Spencer Beswick

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Spencer Beswick


Anarcho-Historian & Bookmonger at PM Press. Currently teaching at Cornell. I write about anarchism in the late 20th century.
Available now from PM Press: DIY OR DIE! Do-It-Yourself, Do-It-Together & Punk Anarchism, featuring a chapter by yours truly. It's my first time in a book and it'll make me really happy if you buy it! pmpress.org/index.php?l=...
David Graeber: “What if freedom were the ability to make up our minds about what it was we wished to pursue, with whom we wished to pursue it, and what sort of commitments we wish to make to them in the process?”
In Nov 2020, I made a zine: "We Can't Push Biden Left: For An Autonomous Movement." Here's the text: Many on the left have beaten a consistent drum lately: elect Biden and then push him to the left. I understand the position and I did vote for Biden, if only to remove Trump. 1/
Last election cycle we hosted debate watch parties to drink, heckle, and build community around imagining a better politics. Despite critiques of Bernie, it really felt like a potential breakthrough for the left. Now we're facing Biden vs Trump again, and goddamn it's depressing.
My first time getting published in a book, and it's a rad one! My chapter is called "Smashing Whiteness: Race, Class, and Punk Culture in the Love and Rage Revolutionary Anarchist Federation (1989-1998)." Published in Europe by Active Distribution and available soon in the US via PM Press.
Mainstream coverage of academia this year was all about "wokeness," AI, and accusations of anti-semitism re: Palestine protests, but this is the real story underlying all else. Most people outside of academia have no idea the extent to which higher ed is contracting and crumbling.
"Statement on Campus Protests and Movement for Palestinian Freedom" from the American Studies Association. theasa.net/about/campus...
Instead of suspending students and sending in the cops to beat and arrest people at Palestine/Gaza solidarity encampments, more university administrators should follow the lead of Wesleyan president Michael S. Roth.
Throwback to the labor-environmentalist alliance of "Teamsters and Turtles" at the 1999 protest against the World Trade organization in Seattle. #EarthDay2024
In my anarchism & syndicalism class today we spent most of the period doing image analysis of old IWW cartoons. We ended with everyone making their own comics in IWW style addressing contemporary issues. The students made fantastic cartoons, and I made my own, too.
IWW: "The working class and the employing class have nothing in common. . . Between these two classes a struggle must go on until the workers of the world organize as a class, take possession of the earth and the machinery of production, and abolish the wage system."
"IWW Poet" Joe Hill on the eve of his execution in 1915:
I highly enjoyed lecturing about the IWW today, including discussing their approach to radical political theory. As Franklin Rosemont put it in his chapter "The Hobo Contribution to Critical Theory": "In the IWW, theory meant a critical examination of social reality, and was 1/
James C. Scott on the importance of "anarchist calisthenics."
feminists must oppose the state itself as the ultimate patriarchal institution and the source of much of the violence they faced. Thus, rather than the slogan “We’re prochoice and we vote,” anarchists often marched behind a banner reading “We’re prochoice and we riot!” 4/
Just two little gnomes hanging out in the sun. #cats
Just got the proofs for my chapter in "DIY or Die!: Do-It-Yourself, Do-It-Together, & Punk Anarchism," which is due out this summer. Tbh I'm thrilled to have my writing published in a book for the first time. This piece was some of my first writing for my dissertation.
“Bowl a strike, not a spare—Revolution everywhere!” Members of the Revolutionary Anarchist Bowling League (RABL) chanted bowling-themed slogans as they marched against President Ronald Reagan’s threat to invade Nicaragua in 1988. A #history 🧵 on US #anarchism in the 1980s 1/
Guy Debord's The Society of the Spectacle told through interpretive dance.
Happy International Women's Day to the "most bloodthirsty of agitators," the "she-dogs of anarchy."
Happy International Women's Day. Solidarity with all struggles for autonomy, reproductive freedom, self-determination, and liberation, from the United States to Palestine. Photo from the 1989 March on Washington for Reproductive Freedom.
Very excited for the forthcoming book "DIY Or Die! Do-It-Yourself, Do-It-Together, & Punk Anarchism," which I have a chapter in. It's volume two of a three-part series on anarchism and punk published by Active Distribution. Check out volume one from PM Press here pmpress.org/index.php?l=...
In 1993, a KKK chapter planned a protest of a Gay Pride Parade in Chattanooga, TN. Anti-Racist Action, Love & Rage, and others organized a large counter-demonstration with a range of groups and localities represented. They vowed to run the Klan out of town, by force if needed. 1/2
Anarchists in the 1980s developed the idea of "Warchest Tours." David Solnit described them as "roving guerrilla-theater nonviolent direct action that confronted the corporations that fund and control the Democratic Party and are involved in nuclear weapons and military intervention." 1/
Hi! I'm new on Bluesky. I'm a historian of anarchism and the left who works for PM Press and teaches at Cornell. Check out my latest article "'To Repulse the State from Our Uteri': Anarcha-feminism, Reproductive Freedom, and Dual Power" in Radical History Review: read.dukeupress.edu/radical-hist...
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