
Conservatives love to argue that the US is a republic, not a democracy. Fine! Let's be a democracy instead! Murray Bookchin on the distinction: "A face-to-face relationship between active citizens for the purpose of arriving at a consensus is alien to republican systems of government. 1/
"A democracy is participatory; a republic, representative. The first involves the exercise of power directly by the people; the second, its delegation to selected surrogates, who then reconstitute the political realm that initially existed at the base of the *koinonia* into 2/
"a distinctly separate and usually professional power at its summit. Republics are beyond the immediate reach of popular control; democracies are not even confronted by the issue of the displacement of power." 3/3 Murray Bookchin, "From Urbanization to Cities"
From Urbanization to <p>In this far-reaching work, social ecologist and historian Murray Bookchin takes the reader on a voyage through the evolution of the city.</p>