
Beyond everything, the UK's election system is SO fucked. In 2019 Labour got only 32% of the vote and suffered leadership changing loss. This year Labour has a majority and is on course for a landslide with *34%* of the vote. Circus nation.
as an american, I ain't got shit to say about fucked electoral systems lol
Ah, British friend. I send you my best regards from France, that has an electoral system as fucked up as yours.
First Past The Post is bullshit. Our guy (Trudeau) campaigned on electoral reform, then promptly changed his mind once in office; justifying it with a leadingly-worded mail survey.
Ugh don't remind me. 😩
I don't know - we vote for people not parties. Every MP has won their seat. Yes it means that parties that cannot win many seats don't have many MPs but I think that is ok.
This isn't about individuals running a good campaign. This is about how our electoral system fundementally doesn't reflect how people actually vote.
Presently reading about the 2011 'alternative voting' referendum. Besmirching Australia's decades-long status quo as a dangerous or unpredictable experiment certainly has a clownish whiff to it.
That's a 34% turn out, even after the immediately departing government went out of their way to introduce every barrier they could, to stop people who wouldn't vote for them from even trying
It's democracy. Changing parties are wanted to get the best.
At least the Tories are out, *shrug*
You guys desperately need preferential voting, and removing the lords completely
I love that people were like: "The only way you can beat the Tories is to vote for Tory Light™" Like broski what?? I don't care that my Tories have no added sugar and maximum taste. They're still Tory pricks.