
After spending the last year drafting a plan to conserve the Chesapeake watershed, with constant political pressure that a changing climate is “a distraction”… I’m feeling some kind of way that nearly a million people can’t safely drink tap water because record heat led to algal blooms
And no official alert from DC 😒
The city did not put out an alert on its text alert system.
DC gov sent out an alert via the same system as the AMBER alert last night. (And to be honest that’s better than the Everbridge text/email system because the text system is “opt-in” and AMBER alerts are “opt out” by default on every phone.)
at the Bay so if they are pinged to geo location (makes sense) I wouldn’t have. But that’s also a flaw in the system where a text alert (in addition to)would help because if I come home later while the advisory is still going and didn’t get the one alert initially would I get it when I’m in range? 🤷🏻‍♀️
A couple of years ago there was a boil water advisory in Woodridge. I didn’t get the WEA initially but when I drove into the affected area, my phone alerted. So you would get it when you return—but the advisory has now been lifted anyway.
Just got notification the boil advisory has been lifted. 💧
True. You have to be in range. I deactivated my DC Alerts account because I was getting annoyed by traffic alerts and there was no good way to turn those off w/o deactivating other critical stuff. So I can’t really say if a specific toggle would’ve gotten you the water alert. But I would guess yes.