Seth Skorkowsky

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Seth Skorkowsky

Author. Game Master. Audio book addict.
I also make YouTube videos.
Gold ENNIE Award winner (x3).

Agented by Amy Brewer at Metamorphosis Literary Agency
Verisimilitude is a great word. I love it. However, experience has taught me that when discussing RPGs and someone drops that word, the next thing they say has a 95% likelihood of being pure sophomoric bullshit.
It's that time again for old sci-fi art repurposed into silly Traveller adventures.
The time has come. Part One of my Review /Game Diary for the epic Traveller campaign Secrets of the Ancients is now live. You should totally check it out.
Secrets of the Ancients: Ep.1 - RPG Part 1 of my Review & Game Diary for the epic Traveller campaign Secrets of the Ancients. The murder of a dear relative plunges the heroes into a strange conspiracy involving old friends and hated rivals. This episode covers Chapter 1: Bodysnatchers. You can find Secrets of the Ancients on the Mongoose Website: The PDF on DriveThru RPG: Or find it on Amazon: The Free Downloadable handout pack and Library Data Pack can be found here: For the handouts and assets I made, go here: *SUPPORT ME ON PATREON* (Tip Jar): A heartfelt thank you to my 238 Patrons for their continued support in making this channel possible. ______ *CHECK OUT MY NOVELS* If you want to support my channel, or just want to read an action-packed Urban Fantasy about modern-day monster hunters and their sentient weapons, check out my four-novel Valducan series. They feature gun fights, sword fights, car chases, monsters, and a smattering of horror (except Book 2, which is mostly horror). Audio book editions narrated by the badass R.C. Bray: I also write pulpy Sword & Sorcery thief adventures in my Tales of the Black Raven series. It's 21 short stories packed with action, intrigue, and daring heroics. Audio editions read by R.C. Bray. And if you want a kickass and dark revenge story about a modern-day sorceress hunting across the multiverse for lost Carcosa, my novel Ashes of Onyx is available in print, ebook, and audio book: If you enjoyed my stories, please leave a rating or review on Amazon, Audible, and/or Goodreads __________ *MY PUBLISHED RPG ADVENTURES* A Mother's Love (Call of Cthulhu 7e). This collection of adventures won the 2020 Gold ENnie Award for Best Digital Adventure Book: Mysteries on Arcturus Station (Mongoose Traveller 2e). This is two adventures. One is written by me, and the other is my update to J. Andrew Keith's brilliant Murder on Arcturus Station: And while I didn't write it (Marc Miller has that distinction), I did greatly expand and update the classic Traveller adventure Death Station to Mongoose 2e, which is TOTALLY FREE: And while not an adventure, here's Mythos Artifacts I wrote with Jon Hook of some neat magic artifacts for Call of Cthulhu: __________ *GOT DICE?* Check out the Q-Workshop Seth Skorkowsky RPG Icons Dice, a 10-die set that I designed with Q-Workshop: For individuals of the 12-sided D6: __________ *SHIRTS!* Check out the Channel Store for some shirts: __________ *FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER* I mostly ramble about movies, tabletop roleplaying games, and random other things as they occur to me: __________ *I HAVE A PODCAST* Check out the Modern Mythos Podcast where veteran RPG writer Jon Hook and I discuss horror and gaming, especially Call of Cthulhu: You can find the podcast on YouTube as well (You should totally subscribe): __________ As an Amazon and DriveThru RPG Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases from those websites. Guest starring Jack the NPC #ttrpg #traveller 00:00 Intro 01:52 What You Need 04:58 Meet the Heroes 06:09 Spoiler Warning 06:27 Setting Up the Campaign 09:45 Campaign Opening 11:08 Inspector Norrim 13:55 The Morgue 14:44 TAS Hostel 17:34 Detective Odoy 18:07 Arrested 20:09 Prof Ujinka 21:21 Assassins 25:04 Imperial Intelligence 27:42 Offer for the Statue 29:03 Case Closed 29:48 Winter Shipping 33:00 Ven Yasha's Station 37:40 Overall Thoughts 45:17 Closing
Got a new Campaign Diary coming to the channel. First Episode should drop this week.
The phrase, "There are no stupid questions," was clearly coined before the Internet. It was a time of optimism and faith in human intelligence.
So I've been working on a thing. It'll be a couple weeks before it's ready to release, but I figured I might was well share this.
Watched The First Omen. Real mixed feelings on it. Loved the mood, cinematography, nice period piece, dovetails great into original Omen film - All great. Don't care for the alterations to the lore. Can't we just have evil Satanists anymore? And the sister clearly only serves as sequel setup
While I only ever did one Paranoia review video, that cheap red laser pistol has gotten a LOT of later use. But... had it not been for that video, Mongoose never would have offered and introduced me to Traveller, making Paranoia one of the most impactful videos I've made.
According to some nice rando, a Player Character dying is always the product of a bad Game Master. Always. Also, people who enjoy RPGs where character death is a high possibility (Cyberpunk, CoC, Delta Green, etc.) are suffering from Stockholm Syndrome. They don't actually like those games.
Over at the channel, I'm talking about Backup and Replacement Characters.
Backup & Replacement Characters - Running A huge thank you to Draconis for sponsoring this video. Check out their coming to Kickstarter If a character dies, or new player joins the group, how do we introduce their new character and get everyone back into the game? Here's some tips on Backup Characters, NPCs as Back-ups, Handling Replacement Characters, and the best methods for bringing them into the campaign. *SUPPORT ME ON PATREON* (Tip Jar): A heartfelt thank you to my 238 Patrons for their continued support in making this channel possible. ______ *CHECK OUT MY NOVELS* If you want to support my channel, or just want to read an action-packed Urban Fantasy about modern-day monster hunters and their sentient weapons, check out my four-novel Valducan series. They feature gun fights, sword fights, car chases, monsters, and a smattering of horror (except Book 2, which is mostly horror). Audio book editions narrated by the badass R.C. Bray: I also write pulpy Sword & Sorcery thief adventures in my Tales of the Black Raven series. It's 21 short stories packed with action, intrigue, and daring heroics. Audio editions read by R.C. Bray. And if you want a kickass and dark revenge story about a modern-day sorceress hunting across the multiverse for lost Carcosa, my novel Ashes of Onyx is available in print, ebook, and audio book: If you enjoyed my stories, please leave a rating or review on Amazon, Audible, and/or Goodreads __________ *MY PUBLISHED RPG ADVENTURES* A Mother's Love (Call of Cthulhu 7e). This collection of adventures won the 2020 Gold ENnie Award for Best Digital Adventure Book: Mysteries on Arcturus Station (Mongoose Traveller 2e). This is two adventures. One is written by me, and the other is my update to J. Andrew Keith's brilliant Murder on Arcturus Station: And while I didn't write it (Marc Miller has that distinction), I did greatly expand and update the classic Traveller adventure Death Station to Mongoose 2e, which is TOTALLY FREE: And while not an adventure, here's Mythos Artifacts I wrote with Jon Hook of some neat magic artifacts for Call of Cthulhu: __________ *GOT DICE?* Check out the Q-Workshop Seth Skorkowsky RPG Icons Dice, a 10-die set that I designed with Q-Workshop: For individuals of the 12-sided D6: __________ *SHIRTS!* Check out the Channel Store for some shirts: __________ *FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER* I mostly ramble about movies, tabletop roleplaying games, and random other things as they occur to me: __________ *I HAVE A PODCAST* Check out the Modern Mythos Podcast where veteran RPG writer Jon Hook and I discuss horror and gaming, especially Call of Cthulhu: You can find the podcast on YouTube as well (You should totally subscribe): __________ As an Amazon and DriveThru RPG Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases from those websites. Guest starring The Gang #ttrpg #dnd 00:00 So Your PC Died 02:28 Make a New Character 03:23 Draconis 4:40 Backup Characters 08:47 NPCs as Backups 10:08 Don't Force Them Into the Same Role 11:31 Determining Power Level 12:35 Introducing Them to the Party 15:03 Link Them To the PCs or Plot 17:55 Outro 18:23 Ya Know
There's probably a clever message I could make how Gamers wishing to expand their knowledge need to break outside of only the Fantasy Genre, but honestly, I was simply having fun altering some images to put off doing the laundry I should to be doing.
Today's game was a weird experimental type of adventure. I came in a little nervous because it could have either gone very good or very bad. Happy to report my players leaned hard into it and the session was fucking epic.
While some RPG cover art is incredible and beautiful and inspirational, even haunting, no RPG cover art has ever been dead sexier than the old Achtung! Cthulhu cover by Pintureiro.
I, for one, welcome the Class of 2024 Grognard Graduates
The maddening thing with con scheduling (at least for me at the moment) is I'll agree to 2 1-hour panels. Then somehow though some weird time-distortion shit, those 2 teeny panels overlap with the the 5 events I wanted to attend
In space, no one can hear Jack say, "Ya know..." Jack skits for the next RPG review video are complete.
Pretty much my role in the Online TTRPG Space
Watched The Last Witch Hunter. Wasn't amazing or anything, but I enjoyed it. Weird part is I know for a fact I'd seen it before, but had zero memory of it outside of not really liking it. Maybe no expectations this time changed my opinion. Maybe I'll wake up tomorrow having forgotten it again.
Players looking over the sweet floorplan their GM made - "This looks great, but where's the restroom?" GM, hastily scratches a narrow line along one wall - "Right here. Just a totally normal restroom. Yeah, that's the ticket. Totally normal and planned out. Nothing unusual about it."
New RPG Review is up. This time we're taking a look at the modern-day Call of Cthulhu adventure In Darkness We Wait, as the investigators go to an old abandoned mining town in search of a missing pair of ghost hunters.
Call of Cthulhu: In Darkness We Wait - RPG A frantic call sends the investigators out to an abandoned desert mining town in search for a pair of ghost hunters where they find more than they could have...
I'd call it a safe bet the quality (and quantity) of Fallout cosplay on the convention scene is about to skyrocket.
One of the playable species in Traveller is uplifted Dolphins. We get all sorts of stuff on playing them, how their spaceships need to be modified, and specialized gear such as cyber-arms so they can hold stuff. They're cool. I dig 'em. But who has actually played one? How'd it go?
If a great fire ring opens in the sky, releasing the Old Gods into our reality, but it's too overcast to see it, is it still the apocalypse?
The Internet peaked with Techno Viking. Everything has been downhill since.
The original Technoviking Enjoy!
While many first encountered Louis Gossett Jr. in great films like Officer and a Gentleman, Iron Eagle, or Enemy Mine, I was introduced to him through the criminally underrated (and incredibly terrible personal favorite) Firewalker. Rest in Peace.
Spent the last day stretching and twisting, desperate to pop my jacked-up lower back. Nothing. Then I sneezed. All good now.
Wow, thanks phone for delivering that voicemail from my mother 14 days late. I'm already legendary for not returning calls or messages promptly, so it's nice of you to help me out with that.