Sandra Steingraber

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Sandra Steingraber

PhD biologist, author, climate activist, adoptee. Senior Scientist, Science and Environmental Health Network 🏳️‍🌈 Reminder: Nobody’s coming.
It was my great honor to get arrested today protesting @citi w It is insane that we have to confront state power in order to stop banks from destroying a livable future, but so be it. Whatever it takes. 💚👶🌎
You have one life. Live it heroically. Drop everything and join us in Albany Tuesday to defend our landmark ban on fracking against the Texas gas company trying to frack our rural southern tier counties with toxic carbon dioxide waste. So just show up.…
Fracking science compendium 9th ed., finding # 5: Multiple studies show that living near fracking operations raises risks for mental health problems, including increased rates of depression, anxiety, and trauma. #FrackingIsAHealthCrisis
Carbon capture and storage is an industry invention to push more oil out of depleted wells. Dressing it up as a climate solution and subsidizing it doesn’t make it less of a fraud or less of a massive waste of time and money.
Guest column: Industry-backed carbon capture won't solve climate This year’s international climate talks in Dubai will feature industry solutions that have little effect on dampening the ongoing climate crisis.
Fellow scientists, please consider joining me, Mark Jacobson & others in this letter to Pres. Biden urging a halt to LNG export expansion.
Fellow scientists! Please join us on this letter calling on POTUS and Energy Secretary Granholm to halt gas industry plans for massive LNG build-out and the climate wrecking ball called CP2, which is 20 Willow drilling projects all rolled into one disaster.
Scientists to Biden: Stop CP2, No This is a sign-on letter from scientists to President Biden calling on him and Energy Secretary Granholm to reject the CP2 export facility as not being in the public interest and stop approving LNG pr...
She said the health, environmental, and climate harms related to fracking are “intractable and are not fixable through any regulatory framework.” “Fracking resembles lead paint or indoor smoking — no rules or regulations can make these practices safe.”
I spoke with about the new Fracking Compendium, which has nearly 2,500 studies on the harms of fracking.
The 9th edition of the fracking science compendium is turning into a runaway bestseller. Join me, Dr Ted Schettler, Dr Bob Howarth and Dr Kathy Nolan to hear the latest data trends. International webinar on 11/8 for reporters + everyone else. Register:
🧵Fracking science compendium 9th ed, finding # 2: Evidence from multiple states shows that infants born to mothers who live near fracking wells are at higher risk for preterm birth, low birthweight, and birth defects. #FrackingIsAHealthCrisis
Gonna make thread over the next month of our major findings in the just-released fracking science compendium, 9th ed. Finding 1: More than 120 studies now show that people living near fracking sites suffer health harms. Those living closest suffer most.
At a time when the world really MUST be moving away from all fossil fuels ASAP. And keep in mind that climate impacts of LNG are significantly greater than for regular old fossil gas, and are worse than coal.
“Interest is growing in expanding infrastructure to get more natural gas to the Gulf Coast as LNG exports are poised to double this decade and other end-users will need to secure more supplies, a panel of midstream executives said at an industry conference last week.”
There are also significant supports for LNG terminals in the IRA, which was a point of contention between climate justice advocates and those pushing the IRA. Seeing it justified as “exporting emissions,” which a) gross and b) doesn’t actually decrease emissions
“Interest is growing in expanding infrastructure to get more natural gas to the Gulf Coast as LNG exports are poised to double this decade and other end-users will need to secure more supplies, a panel of midstream executives said at an industry conference last week.”
Fracking is a health crisis. NEW 9th ed #fracking science Compendium shows that the combustion of fracked gas inside homes via kitchen stoves, hot water heaters, and furnaces creates air pollution at levels sufficient to harm health. 🧵 DOWNLOAD AT:
Wowzo the super-nerdy fracking science compendium in the @nypost! And in a kinda good way. (Even if they did call us “agitated.”) You’ve heard of New York’s ‘gas stove ban’ — new legislation wants to take things even further
You've heard of New York's 'gas stove ban' — new legislation A new, 600-page report furthers the argument against gas-powered appliances.
In honor of the fracking science compendium 9th ed, which launched Thursday, I’m reupping an essay I wrote on history of gas stove propaganda via paid influencers—including Bing Crosby, Bob Hope, celebrity chefs and gas industry reps at culinary schools.
When I Comes to Gas Stoves vs. Induction, I Stand With the I believe in their need to breathe, their need for a stable climate, and their need to be unpoisoned.
And you’d be right. See also carbon capture and storage and hydrogen hubs
The first time someone explained carbón offsetting to me. I thought it was utter garbage, dreamt up by marketing men employed by the oil industry.
NEW TODAY. Concerned Health Professionals of New York, a program of SEHN, together with @PSRenvironment, are pleased to announce the release of the 9th edition #fracking science Compendium. #FrackingIsAHealthCrisis
Now proofreading the 9th ed of the Compendium of Scientific, Medical and Media Findings Demonstrating Risks and Harms of Fracking. 637 pages + 2,557 footnotes Playlist on 24 hr loop: Hosier, Lana Del Ray, Shostakovich, Cigarettes and Black Lipstick, Handel Please stand by.
My first substantive post on this platform is to assert that the hydrogen hub emperor is his own private nudist colony: The cost of carbon capture nearly doubles the cost of electricity compared to burning fracked gas and triples the cost from coal.
It is possible to have a nuanced political analysis, to decry terrorism and war crimes, to understand power imbalances and abuses, both current and historic, and to still not root for human rights, safety, and lives like sports teams. Everyone should be safe. No children should be killed. None.