
Could Trump actually prosecute his enemies without cause? On the pod former prosecutor Kristy Parker and I dig deep into this question. Upshot: The law is still an impediment to him, but he wouldn't be legally liable for doing this. She's highly illuminating:
Trump’s Rage At Liz Cheney Suddenly Veers In an Alarming New With Trump's threats to jail Liz Cheney and other political foes going nuclear, a former prosecutor explains what a second-term crackdown on his enemies would really look like. It's gonna be ugly.
Here's what I don't understand. The President has no constitutional power - core or otherwise - allowing him or her to violate the Constitution. So how can an extraconstitutional act be an "official act" within his or her core powers?
Because he is the head of the executive branch. The only branch with enforcement powers. Plus he has the unreviewable, absolute power of the pardon. In other words, it doesn’t matter whether something is extra constitutional or official or core. The only check is impeachment + conviction.