
I’m Jewish and I’m still going to vote for Biden. I do hate myself but it’s because I’m voting for Biden, not because of the Jewish thing. I would consider it a personal favor if he would quit saying that I’m not safe in this—my—country.
Is he admitting incompetence, or is he making a threat?
honestly, neither. biden is attempting to wring popular support for israel that he doesn't even realize is dwindling. he doesn't even factor how many atrocities israel commits, he just grew up in the time where that was the "correct" position. it's the "at least 3" answer of foreign policy
I think it’s mostly the incompetence. “I can’t help anybody in this country, pal. What am I supposed to do—call out Republicans for their flagrant antisemitism? Not gonna happen. You’re safer in the place that just got attacked in a completely predictable—actually predicted—way”