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i have gamer wrist today so i can’t get nothin done on my own game, but tomorrow i will be doing a whole lot on it. most of the basic stuff is in place so it’s time to test ideas and i already got a pile of things i want to try out
apparently i am now just staring at the particles in every game i see or play, so in mario galaxy they actually use an effect where a super high contrast gradient slides across some of the particles which gives a softer effect than zenless but still has a similar impact and feel
just a bit more work on making the enemies spawn today. i'm planning on having the levels be randomized to some degree so i'm trying to plan things out towards that even this early. right now i'm thinking of using a bunch of handmade curve resources that can be randomized on starting the level
so i was wondering about the heavy use of blacks in the particles in the zenless zone game and why noone else does it, but the thing is that this game does not contain black. it’s color is indexed to a smaller value range than you usually see in games, so it’s not exhausting to look at
starting a new game is always weird because i know i'm just gonna have to imagine what the art will look like for most of the time i spend testing it. it's gonna be black and white with pictures i made in 10 seconds and placeholder sounds for like 75% of development
Reposted byAvatar stealthnachos
i’ve got most of the prototype working, the only thing missing now is spawning the enemies which will be the most complicated part. i’ll be doing that the next time i work on it. the point of the prototype is to figure out where the fun is so i’ll be trying a lot of stuff after the basics are done
Reposted byAvatar stealthnachos
i’ve finished learning the basics of this procedural material program i’ve been working with so tomorrow i’ll be starting a little prototype of the new game design i have in mind. i’m still not super sure what the best way to prototype is besides just a minimum product so i’ll be doing that
i’ve started playing killer7, i think. that or i’ve stepped into a new david lynch film, i’ll let you know
Reposted byAvatar stealthnachos
skater otter, otter skater
Reposted byAvatar stealthnachos
making another quake map for a mapping jam, it looks like a gothic cat tree in places
i think i’m narrowing down my next project idea. it’s looking like it might be a rail shooter version of that parado design i was working on before but it’s still too early to tell. i’m gonna start some prototyping soon but my main focus is still the vn until that’s done
just beat bombrush cyberfunk, love it. the music, style, the solace, everything is great. the method of applying graffiti that i thought might be an unnecessary interruption to the skating is actually an elegant piece of design that allows you to place any piece of graffiti in as unobtrusive-
to the fucking instacart person that keeps getting me sunkist oranges when i ask for navel oranges: it’s alright, it seems like a really hard job and you always get everything else right. thank you for bringing me my groceries i really appreciate that, they are probably just out of navel oranges
skater otter, otter skater
i just finished tiny terry’s turbo trip and it was great. i can’t believe it was made mostly by one dev and a musician. it felt like a nintendo game in how much just shear joy is packed in there. all of the noises, the little chats, the amazing music, and all really polished too
originally, in the jam game, it was a lot more violent. i made a whole system for blood particles that would create blood decals where they landed and gore particles that would stick to surfaces. it looked cool, but it turns out i don’t like drawing that stuff at all so when it cam time to do final-
i worked on some cool particle effects today but bsky doesn’t let me post gifs so just imagine a really cool, red and orange sparkly effect
the other day i made a post implying that i think the two US parties are the same cause i was upset about something, but to be clear while the democrats are absolutely shit they aren’t openly calling for an autocracacy. also voting matters, if it didn’t people wouldn’t try to stop you from doing it
redesign completed for orphansmith
the next project i’m doing is finishing up that visual novel i was working on before the jam. i already have the idea for my next game project so i’ll also be gathering references for prototyping that after the vn is done
Reposted byAvatar stealthnachos
this jam game was meant to be a derust so i didn't really plan it out much fully expecting to not be able to complete whatever i ended up doing and just hoping to get back into it. but it's honestly the best game i've made so far, it's not amazing or anything but it's fun!
there were only 6 submissions TOTAL to the jam. i figured with a hundred people entering there’d at least be 10-15. ah well, maybe this can be the first jam i actually win lol
i can’t believe there are two modern star trek things that are really good now. everything after voyager has been dog water so getting strange new worlds and lower decks back to back has been so nice. they have characters you actually care about! imagine that!
wouldn't be a jam game without a major, game-breaking bug that has never appeared before in an area that i've made no changes to showing up on the last day. don't worry everyone, i just rebuilt the entire system from scratch which i am absolutely certain will not introduce any bugs