
Respectfully: If you're on Bluesky right now screaming that Pride Month will be abolished, Trump will be declared king, America is forever ruined: Log off. You are entitled to your feelings, and it's better to let them out than not. But *Do Not Do Death Magic On The Emotional Contagion App.*
Doomer shit is un-American as fuck. Sorry. Factual. This country didn't even consider me a fucking person for half its existence, and the Supreme Court declared Black ppl didn't qualify as US citizens TWICE.
You're entitled to your despair. But understand that when you catastrophize on social media, you risk spreading learned helplessness. Which is exactly what fascists want, for people to lie down and cry.
I dunno, I guess y'all didn't sit through "Eyes On The Prize" every February in Social Studies for every year of middle school? Maybe you should find it and watch it. You will not find "They shot our leader, we should give up, it's hopeless now."
I utterly despise doomer thinking. We have WORK to do, god damn it. We have years, DECADES of work to do. It is going to take our time and money and emotional commitment.
Things to do, short-term: 🇺🇸 Get people registered, and show them how to VALIDATE their registration. Start at 🇺🇸 Join an Indivisible chapter: 🇺🇸 Look up your local Democratic party. Ask how you can help with GOTV efforts. 🇺🇸 Donate to / volunteer for LOCAL campaigns
Everything You Need to Vote - Register to vote. Check your registration status. Get your absentee ballot. Fast, free, easy, secure, nonpartisan.
Thank-you, Ineeded the reminder.