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I talk about politics and urbanism. I might hyperfixate on something you say and learn everything I can about it.

He/him. 🇳🇴 + 🇳🇿
This is niche but I miss the regex mute filters Tweetbot had. Made mute filters so effective. Captured more, meant fewer false-positives, it was *the best*. Please or some clever developer out there. Please.
Wedding photo goals here.
It's our 7 year wedding anniversary- funny story: we took an Uber to the church, with my in-laws (who came from overseas), then took a carriage from the church to the reception (yay!), then we hitched a ride home with our wedding planner 😂 along with leftover cake, dinner, champagne, wine, and beer!
Proposal: we form a Resistance to Speed group. We take it in shifts to drive around the block at slow speeds, ensuring that traffic spends more time at safe speeds regardless of Simeon's stupidity. I volunteer as member number one.
Auckland schools 'shocked and confused' over speed limit New legislation around the limits was set to be introduced by the end of September.
I need a device that will restrict my access to social media until I'm caffeinated.
If you find yourself without a hill to die on may I please suggest this one?
“We have thickshakes!” A thick shake is NOTHING, every milkshake should be thick ffs
You can say what you want about our political system and how the ways it needs to change but pretending tactical voting isn't relevant within the system as it stands? No. Wrong. Bad.
Alternative name for Greece: Tzatzikistan
Alternativt navn på Hellas: Tzatzikistan
Please use alt text please use alt text please use alt text please use alt text
Simeon Brown is implementing faith based transport policy.
Scoot, one of the those I miss most from X, has shown what zones could be in line for intensification along "strategic lines" in Tāmaki Makaurau. This would be incredible.
Have spent more time thinking about this. This risks making Bishop's announcement a reversion to less intensification than we have right now. If councils can apply this principle wherever up-zoning has been prescribed it will make things worse, not better.
"We will also require that the loss of development capacity through use of an unlisted qualifying matter (including special character) is offset by a direct and corresponding increase in development capacity elsewhere." I hope direct and corresponding means in a similar zone/area.
Petition to start building a Kowloon Walled City inspired neighbourhood in Epsom.
"Don't let developers build bland houses" because it's better to live in a Nissan than a boring house.
Reposted byAvatar Steffen
Small business owners are not experts on street design, parking policy, or transportation. Many of them barely know how to run their own businesses! Expecting trained professional planners to defer to their judgment is bananas.
I've become convinced that one of the biggest obstacles to better road design in commercial areas is well-off business owners who drive their BMW to work every day and find it impossible to imagine a customer who uses any other mode of conveyance to arrive at the shop.
We love density. Beautiful development by Jalcon Holmes. (via Malcolm McCracken on the bad place).
Reposted byAvatar Steffen
The good news in the UK Election might be that the MPs that won are less racist than the MPs the public voted for?
Events. Human frailty. WhatsApp. The three horsemen of the Conservative apocalypse.
Steve Baker, when asked what he puts their defeat down to: "Combination of events, human frailty, and overwhelmingly, social media and WhatsApp."
Reposted byAvatar Steffen
Reposted byAvatar Steffen
Kelly-Jay Keen aka Posie Parker received 196 votes in the electorate she stood for, meanwhile, this woman won the seat with over 24,000 votes
Bishop's a bad man doing bad things in a lot of areas, including housing affordability. That does not automatically make yesterday's announcement another bad thing. I will happily debate the good and bad of yesterday's announcement. But Christ, if you're hitting me with "But bishop..."? Don't.
This looks epic! And is exactly the kind of amenity that more people will have easy access to if cities like Tauranga increases housing density.
First look at Tauranga’s new waterfront The $5m design was created with the help of Tauranga children.
Reposted byAvatar Steffen
Auckland has returned to 2013 levels of adults per dwelling, thanks to intensification.
Apartment size concerns are mostly moral panic.
Conservative Steve Baker has just blamed their defeat on WhatsApp #ukelection