Rachel Sasseen

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Rachel Sasseen


Writer-in-progress. Copyediter @ Penny Press. Head-in-the-stars geek girl. And just plain weird. Opinions my own. She/her
Rob wants to get a car service to the airport for WorldCon. This means I have to figure out about when we want to get to the airport, which means seeing how early boarding starts and how long security takes, and planning for the possibility of traffic getting there. This makes my head hurt.
Sunday morning Skittles. I woke up and he came to cuddle, and lifted his head for scritches as I took the pic.
Saturday morning Skittles. It’s raining, and he’s not hiding. Progress!
It's raining, therefore Skittles is hiding.
FFS. My printer refuses to be acknowledged by either my iMac or my work computer. This is a problem because I need to print more work for tomorrow. Rob was able to print a test page from his computer, so it's connected to the network. 😠
Solving a puzzle and one of the words in the list is fifty. In the grid next to it, the letters to form nifty. I now have an elementary-school song running through my head, wanting to name all the US states in alphabetical order. Thanks for that, brain.
Sometimes my foot feels weird in my sock, and I can't tell if it's just a passing feeling, or the sock needs adjusting, or something about the shoe fitting, and I spend a really long time shifting my toes to try to make it feel right. So instead I'm gonna take off shoe and sock and try to fix it.
I know energy saver is a good setting for the AC, but it's rather annoying when it switches off and it's still cool in the room but so much humidity that it feels like a second skin.
One week off, and I have 15 emails waiting for me. I think 3 or 4 are actually for me. I don't get a lot of email at work.
Back to work today, which means going downstairs and having breakfast, coming back up and turning on the work computer, then Skittles yelling at me to come stand by the bed while he eats. And if I move before he’s done, he follows me until I come back and stand by the bed again.
Sunday morning Skittles. He’s a bit unable to stay still at the moment. Pretty sure he wants his food.
I’m trying to play a game, but this is over my shoulder. 😑😆
Saturday morning Skittles. It’s been thunderstormy this morning, and he’s only just come out from hiding under the bed.
Friday morning Skittles. I don’t think he knows what he wants—he’s walking back and forth across the bed and he keeps looking all around.
😐 There are people setting off some kinda fireworks in the street. Or one street over, I'm not sure because I can't see them. I just know they're *loud*. Skittles left the room a little while ago, and I expect he's hiding somewhere.
This is the face of a cat that is, for the moment, no longer constipated. 😑
I really wish taking time off felt less stressful than just working all week.
Wednesday morning Skittles. He has a fan wind.
Tuesday morning Skittles. Today he waited less patiently for his food.
Monday morning Skittles. He’s waiting very patiently for me to get his food.
Sunday morning Skittles. He cuddle and get belly rubs.
Saturday morning Skittles. Waiting patiently for me to get his food.
I’m going to need a hub, or something, to be able to play/rip my new CDs.
If it's not raining, it's about to. Skittles just jumped off the bed and went to hide underneath.
Skittles is not happy to be going to the vet. (Just a regular checkup.)
Sunday morning Skittles. He’s waiting patiently for me to get out of bed.
Rob and I looked in the pantry, cause I was saying how I want to reorganize it to move the spices into it, and we found 3 containers of cake frosting. They were 10 years past their best by date. 😬
Saturday morning Skittles. I think he was sniffing the air from the air conditioner.
Huh. I just realized a story I wrote years ago could be read as having some mild influence from Blade Runner. I'm pretty sure I didn't see that until some time after I wrote it.