
This is MurderBird. I have a big (by city standards) back yard. This robin could hunt worms anywhere in it. But that is not what she does. Instead, she hops closer and closer to me. After each hop she straightens up, makes sure I'm watching, and glares fiercely at me. Then hops again. 1/n
When it gets nice and close, MurderBird struts back and forth a bit to make sure she has my full attention. Then - and only then - she gets serious about worms. 2/n
Murderbird then hauls a worm out of the ground. She moves it onto a flagstone where its fate is obvious to all onlookers. Like me. She stabs it with her steely beak, but unlike the Eagles*, she can definitely kill the beast. *(gratuitous Hotel California reference) 3/n
Finally Murderbird picks up the worm and looks toward me again. "This could have been you", her silent glare says very clearly. "Next time it may be, and I'll be back." Murderbird flies away.... and three minutes later, the whole threatening saga repeats. 4/n
So if I stop posting, you'll know that Murderbird finished the job.
"This is MY worm, understand? All MINE."