
Spoke to a friend who worked on a recent Nicolas Cage movie in a senior capacity and was very very happy to discover that he’s a consummate pro who works harder than anyone else, all the time, and is lovely to the crew. I needed that.
I have had a warm fuzzy feeling about him ever since he volunteered to turn on the Christmas lights in Bath a few years back and looked like he was having just the best time doing it.
I was living in Bath at the time and it was even charming how this came about. Local old dearie thought to ask him, so posted a letter through the mail slot of the house he owned there not knowing if it would ever reach him. Surprised everyone by actually responding and doing it.
That's a wonderful story and should basically be one of those quaint British movies starring Helen Mirren and Jim Broadbent.
I would watch the hell out of this every Christmas
And you know Cage wolf love to play himself in a Christmas movie. It actually could be great if it played on the gripes from those movies but still managed to keep some heart. Damn, now I really want this movie.
How did tropes become gripes, autocorrect? How??
Autocarrot strikes again, although I enjoyed your use of gripes as if Cage would be correcting a wrong