
I don't love these districting commissions being composed of equal parts Dems, GOPers, & indies. For one thing, most indies are actually secret partisans. More fundamentally, this setup reifies a vision of our political society as atomically composed of these three groups, effacing our diversity.
An Ohio campaign to end GOP gerrymandering will submit voter signatures next week for a ballot initiative to amend OH's constitution. We detailed how the amendment would replace the flawed "bipartisan" system with an independent commission to draw fair maps for 2026
Ohio redistricting amendment campaign will turn in 750,000-plus signatures on Monday, group The number is larger than the amount of signatures submitted last year by a citizen's group that successfully placed an abortion-rights amendment on the ballot.
Yeah it’s hardly perfect—party list proportional representation would be a vast improvement—but that’s politically implausible and impossible to adopt for Congress by state action alone. This amendment’s partisan fairness formula should be a strong safeguard & large improvement over the status quo
Morning Digest: How redistricting reform could upend Ohio The Morning Digest is compiled by David Nir, Jeff Singer, and Stephen Wolf, with additional contributions from the Daily Kos Elections team. Subscribe to The Downballot, our weekly podcast ...
Completely agree
To be clear, just about any alternative to a one-party redistricting process would be a marked improvement, and this Ohio proposal surely counts, I just wish we could have nice things
If only the rich “centrists” were spending their millions on ballot initiatives to create state-level proportional representation instead of the top-4 “primary” nonsense designed to tear down parties
One day I'd like to sit down and parse the nuances of centrism, anti-partisanship, non-partisanship, anti-politics, Independence, moderation, and any other supposedly non-ideological odds and ends that accumulate outside partisanship.