
The MSM in France was using the strategy that is being used in Canada and the USA Polls designed to yield a predetermined "result" People in France and UK have proved to be smart enough to know when they are be fed BS Hopefully, people in Canada and the USA will be that smart
The New York Times is always so hopeful.
Not quite. The center and left in France had dozens on candidates drop out so as not to split their vote. Without that strategic change the polls would likely have been correct -- against a divided left and center the right would have won. Against a unified left and center they didn't. There's...
...a lesson in that for the US, too.
I read that there were negotiations between the left and the centre on who had the best chance of winning in each constituency It was that important to keep Le Pen out of power And the left and the centre admitted it was that important because Le Pen had a manifesto similar to project 25
Yes. It wasn't that the polls were wrong, it was that the left and center responded to the polls strategically. Le Pen's party won more seats than they ever had before, but not enough to take the majority.
Actually even some of the truly right-wing candidates dropped out.. even though most of the candidates dropping out to keep the republican front were left wing (and even then, their parties came out on top in the end)