
Don't know if you cover this in the article or book, but... It's a tough pill to swallow. I went to Oklahoma, have tremendously warm and vivid memories of football. It's a balm during stressful times, a source of excitement. Yes, I need to step away for ethical reasons. No doubt. But how?
Ah, I see you address the point further down. This is basically how I feel. I hate that all sports leagues are fucking dumpster fires.
While we are sympathetic to the fact that much is beloved about the sport, the pleasure it affords fans and participants is vastly outweighed by the exploitation and harm that define its practice.
Agreed, it is absolutely hard—sports fandom has served that function for me too. That’s really an issue I interrogated more in my last bio. I do think a good start is for fans to act in solidarity with players as much as possible. But, yeah, capitalist sport like capitalist everything really sucks!