
Guess who this headline is about? LOL, not Trump. Obama in 2014, by George Will, still employed at the Washington Post, because in that line of work, no matter how wrong you've been for decades, you still get invited to the "right" cocktail parties.
George is one of those guys that occasionally says something that makes sense but 99.9% of the time is wrong. The Broken Clock syndrome.
His baseball writing is good. If he’d just stuck to that, everyone would be happier.
Will gave me the expression, "perfectly execrable" (I'm sure he borrowed it from someone else) which I've been using in all my texts since Monday. In all the years I subscribed to WaPo, it was the only phrase of his that had any value at all.
George Will irritates the crap out of me. He has more truly shitty opinions than almost anyone else who pretends to be a journalist. I have on many occasions been compelled to comment on his stupid opinion pieces. But he still has a job, while many actual journalists do not.