Steve West

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Steve West

Author of the Kingsmoot fantasy series. Arsenal forever. U2 is my soundtrack. See more at
My son just asked my wife if we have any tote bags, and I have never seen anyone’s face change so quickly from unbridled glee to the deeply focused look Olympic athletes have right before the trial of their lives.
Man City: 1894-2008: 2 titles in 114 years 2008: Bought by Abu Dhabi 2008-2024: 8 titles in 16 years It’s all about the money, especially when you cheat. And not just in football.
Congrats to Man City, financially doped champions. Just 3 more and they can match Lance Armstrong for cheating champs.
I can honestly say that I have never rooted for Arsenal to lose, or celebrated an Arsenal loss. But then again, I’m not a fan of a tinpot team which never wins anything.
$350 million? How many witches did he buy?
I normally watch the Arsenal with great fear. Something will obviously go wrong and destroy the game for us (usually the ref sticking their nose in where it’s not wanted). Today was different. I had great confidence throughout, even at 0-0, even when they scored. I like this way of watching.
I’ve been in Texas for 20 years and I’m still freaked out by a bobcat in the back yard. It’s the suburbs, dammit!
Teenage son: I’m bringing my girlfriend home for the first time, please don’t do anything to embarrass me. Me : Would I do that?
I have a love-hate relationship with the FA Cup. Obviously we’ve won it more than anyone else, I love that. But it’s also been devalued over the last decade or two, and I hate that.
Proud to have completed the 2023 Goodreads challenge by reading one (1) of the books off my TBR pile. Another 150 years and I might get to the bottom! (Technically the pile would be thousands of books high by then, but who’s counting?)
I promise you, promise you, that goal is disallowed if it’s scored by Arsenal. First, the linesman says it’s out, then the VAR agrees with him. There’s no benefit of the doubt if we’re the team which scores it. The refs know exactly what they’re doing, we all know it, and they do it anyway.
Pleased to see Villa lose to a mid-table team. Their inevitable collapse seems to have begun. As for United, they might have saved their manager’s job, which is good news for the rest of us. I always like to see a clown in charge somewhere to damage their club.
I’m always nervous about a trip to Anfield because let’s face it, we don’t have a good record there in recent years. I often have to think back to 89 to get me through, knowing we have done it before. It doesn’t help for the tv people to keep repeating how long it’s been since we won there
Every law for regular people is very specific: “You typed 23 cents instead of 22 cents on your tax return, you get 12 years in prison.” Every law for rich people is very vague: “Sure, he didn’t bother paying taxes for the last decade, but did he really mean it?”
I was worried about this game before kickoff, because Brighton have been a recent bogey team for us. Especially after the first half when we dominated but didn’t score, I thought it might be a banana skin, but we dug in and a professional display got the Arsenal a professional result.
So, Villa. I absolutely expected this result. Away, where they’re tough, Unai, no Arteta, the whole thing lined up against us. We were the better team, and should have gotten something, but that’s the way it goes sometimes.
Before the game started, I expected the score to be Luton 0 Arsenal 4. At least I was right about the 4. That was a frustrating and intense game from start to finish. Oddly I never thought the result was in doubt. Even when went down 3-2, I expected us to come back. And we did. Thanks Declan!
TIL the stock market is open today because crime never sleeps
Just yesterday I was thinking about the 8-2 Man Utd game, which in 40+ years of watching the Arsenal is still the only game I’ve turned off and walked away from. This game was close to being the second.
I just remembered it’s Half Price Candy Eve!
I think everyone predicted a comfortable win today. I myself said 4-0 before the game, and we went one better than that. Does anyone think Sheffield United will get 10 points this season? 20? They’re very obviously going to be relegated, so credit to their fans who traveled.
Okay, here we go. Arsenal got out of that one with a point, perhaps undeserved after that first half, but we could have also had all three. A lot going on, and as usual the refs (including the VAR) were abysmal. I don’t understand how the best league in the world can tolerate them every week.
End of feed.