
Hierocles' circles of concern spread out from the individual to the family to the community to the country to all humanity.... How can this approach help us spread the Stoic virtue of Justice in a chaotic world? (graphic of Hierocles' circles via Modern Stoicism, listing their ancient categories)
‘ To not be from the left means starting with myself, my street, my city, my country, the other countries further and further. We start by us, and as we are privileged, we live in a rich country, we wonder what we can do to sustain in time this situation’ - deleuze
They want us to kill each other. It releases the SSI to pay down the FED, and culls a lot of people that won't need benefits, redraw the lines and new constitution. One Team two side = Fake. Just adapt an Amish lifestyle. It is the eventual outcome anyways no matter who wins for we lose