
I love Britain's deep history. Burgh-by-Sands is one of Hadrian's Wall's western forts. The modern town ignored & grew over it, the east-west road kind of (but not really) following the line of the Wall. An E-W ditch (blue) lies south of the town. It looks like a Roman earthwork. It's not. (1/2)
(2/2) In the 1700s a company dug a long canal to connect towns of western Cumbria. They destroyed Burgh's Roman bath-house to do it. This is where the canal was. Funny enough, the canal was destroyed to create a 19th C train line. Which itself died in 1964! The train station is now a private home.
Somebody is just dying to turn that house into a McDonalds or something, aren’t they? Cannot believe they destroyed a Roman bath house 😫
It happened all the time, even well into the 1800s. Some landowner either wanted stone for a project or wanted to tear down the old ruins to create a green park. No one gave any thought that these old monuments might be actually valuable, with stories to tell!