
:dons librarian hat: Digital preservation is more expensive than preserving paper; it takes more staff, active attention, and consistent computing resources. Libraries have discussed “digital dark age” since the 1990s. Corp archives often 1st to go b/c suits haven’t figured out how to profit.
One of the interesting things about the Internet is that we’re actually living through a dark age. Future historians are unlikely to have records of this period. Paper and ink last. Digital storage, less so.
Comedy Central’s Website Purges 25 Years of Video Clips and Other The vast repository of content on Comedy Central's website has been removed by Paramount Global, in a move to push fans to Paramount+.
Yeah, the way a lot of paper archives persist past the moment short-sighted executives see a use for them is that it's often cheaper to just leave them wherever they are than it is to have someone come get rid of them. With digital archives a lot of this stuff is actively costing money to maintain.
CORRECT. The paper stuff will outlast the current suits as long as it is not drowned or set on fire, just left alone in reasonable-ish storage. The digital archives, not so much.