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Was called a writer, wasn't insulted. Sometimes runs (@"@m*.onl"), sometimes fights ("_".twi), always dwells on it afterward.

"The art of helping someone NOT to feel cornered."

[Banner is a Berkey spaceship, icon is concentric squares]
Avatar I checked, I have the 1818 version. I remember picking up a different copy and being confused by all the front-loaded story, references to galvanism, etc. Good that there were more reasons to look past the later version. Couldn't comment on your thread so I posted here
Avatar Not a good idea to talk about it on here, or do the proposed changes you were talking about affect those not on active duty with already approved disability claims?
Was in a bigger city half my life ago, knew some people who knew fringe people, a long chain so I only picked up on the feel, but there was the kind of anger that made sense, that was clear-headed, smart, insightful. It seemed hopeful, like the implication that things both should and could be better
Avatar Hey, what was the spooky music on your new collision video that starts at exactly 1:20:00 ? While I'm asking, where does the main Firelink chiptune come from? Very fun video, so many mysteries solved!
Suddenly getting some random follows. Many potential reasons of course, but sort of missing certain features on oldsite right now
"We were voted best consumer support three years running!" But the last award was twenty years ago. Guess where they cut the budget
Something about three laughing, loud, bored teenagers descending a hill makes me not eager for conversation. Apologies if you found a portal to a magical realm, perhaps you'll find someone more willing to talk with you, but I doubt you were up to more than trying to find an entertaining target
Sardonic factor has increased quite a bit in the last few days. Feels like oldsite in a good way
That cupboard has it out for me. "NO! Cereal MINE!" Crack my head on the corner of the cupboard door *again*, sit in a worried daze imagining brain bleeds, too much cereal burbling in my belly. Cupboard quietly closes. We both lost
If someone would have told me that reaching this old I'd have all these health prob-- *run over by a horse*
Avatar I have a abridged Ammianus Marcellinus on the Late Roman Empire but I always wonder about all the stuff they left out. Should a less-than-casual reader of Roman history bother tracking a full version of the extant text, or does he ramble a lot? :)
I've seen so little and yet I've seen so much And I don't know what to do
This 1950s Cosmopolitan is fun to look through but it sure has a lot of liquor ads
Arrrr. 'Tis too much acid in me belly. Prepare for the crash o' waves, ye scurvy stomach Yarr.
It's back but now I don't remember all the stuff I was going to look up
Federation makes me pause before using private communications...
Avatar I found solar panels just lying there at the hardware store the other day. They had clasp connectors like you'd see for batteries in cars, so I'm not sure if they're really meant for the home. Maybe it was like weird camping gear? They had the heaviest portable batteries nearby
Avatar Thank you very much for Owl House, we just finished it. I wish we'd had more time to explore but glad we had so much
Reposted byAvatar Strange_Bundle
got some ice cream the other day and they were selling loosie lactaid. genius
Avatar Everything OK? Site seemed to 'splode a bit for a short while
I store unread/watched tabs and they suddenly have less power over me
Protagonist of a top-down video game where the final boss is a skull staring straight upwards to scare the player: This is a weirdly shaped hill, but whatever
Learning app that's Space Invaders but instead of aliens they're Chinese characters, and when you shoot one it pronounces it. Bonus points if you can shoot a comprehensible sentence before you get squished
But, Discover, I'm already following these people
I had a really good idea to put on here but I forgot it And no, it WAS worth remembering, it's filed in that annex, it's just that some neuron lost the key
I wonder if he ever got to the Danger Zone. Or if he is still on that bed rolling around and singing
Like a true nature's child, I was born, born to be tired