subotai, microplastics golem

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subotai, microplastics golem

(He/him-Il/Lui) Artist and aspiring writer FR/EN ; Skeleton afficionado ; AI hater ; originating from ze land of cheese and bread.

Some of my stuff :
An old ratfolk I drew, ca. October last year
It is #WizardWednesday. Wear the appropriate channeling gear, and ward yourself according to the Great tower's guidelines.
The dreaded necromancer-king ; restless in his tomb, scheming for the expansion of unlife upon the realm of the living
Work is done! I really like it!
Trying to study BROM with computer painting ; My left hand is now permanently stuck in a ctrl-z position.
Trying to study BROM with computer painting ; My left hand is now permanently stuck in a ctrl-z position.
Empires rise and fall, flesh rots and melts, but dry bone and iron will defy the ages, and bring time itself to their heel.
Two soldiers, and a child holding a helmet. Quick study.
Ghoul colonies will often break inside tombs or crypts, and after having devoured the dead meat, will use it as a base camp, away from the sunlight. They'll come out after dusk to find fresh meat in the surrounding area, pushing local authorities to hire adventurer to get rid of them.
I HATE proofreading stuff, I get distracted, I end up reading the text, and then I remember I'm supposed to check for mistakes 5 pages later. So here is a goat.
The forests of the south have never been safe, as long as anyone can remember, and terrifying legends are passed down from generation to generation, but none are true.
Useful Creature Illuminated Manuscript
Lady Aurelia D'Âges ; Runaway daughter of a noble family, sharpest sword, and best bounty hunter there is. Rumor is that she was knighted in secret as a reward for her work as a spy for the crown.
It is a misconception that all evil wizards have armies of skeletons to do their bidding, but only necromancers do. The other kinds of wizards have to hire companies of orcs or beast-men if they wish to one day realize their dream of bringing doom to the world !
Rejoice ; For here is one more skeleton warrior. It had been some time.
The terrifying barbarians of the cold marshes must bring heads to their tutelar gods, lest they lose the favors bestowed upon them. And as their survival in their hostile homeland depend on it, they show no mercy.
Last picture sent from his phone by Mark G. , one of the 6 campers considered missing since October 26th, date at which their deserted camp was found by forest rangers ; The tents were torn open, but no other trace of them remained, except for a shoe, six hundred yards deeper in the woods.
The moor giant was a terrible foe to the people of the hills. He spent most of the day sleeping, and at night ran across his foggy lands, swift like the wind, stealing sheep and kidnapping shepherds or wandering children. Everyone feared him, and he greatly enjoyed that fact.
I willl interrogate why I enjoy skeletons later, right now I have to give them axes and helmets
The last guardian of the high tower, his gear long ruined and rusting, with only the sense of duty remaining as strong as it ever was.
Errant protectors of the old tower library's grounds, the lantern guardians are tirelessly doing rounds, and have been for centuries, even after the library was deserted. Today, they still stumble across the large underground structure, alone.
It’s Sunday! It’s #artshare time! 🖤Drop your fav art/s below 🖤Say hi, tag a pal (optional) 🖤Re-post this to reach more folks ⛔️No AI, NFT, pls keep it SFW (artistic nudity OK) BONUS - what’s your fav. color? I’ll share my favs throughout the day!
Coming to you soon ! For all your hobgoblin needs ! (not coming at all, to anyone, anytime)
Treasure toads are little amphibian dungeon dwellers. Like magpies, they are attracted to everything shiny, and bring it back to their nest. Finding those nests is not a necessarily a guaranteed payday, because broken glass shards shine about as much as the most expensive diamond.
Rampaging ogres devour everything on their path, leaving nothing but misery and mourning behind. They endlessly walk forward, until they collapse head-first into a deep slumber, for a few weeks or months, before waking up starving again.
"Farm-raised" are flesh cult fanatic enforcers, raised in isolation, and indoctrinated for their whole lives through conditioning, strict discipline and ritual scarification ; They are told they are the pinnacle of human performance, and to hate body augmentation, a betrayal of the human flesh.
you notice too late that there are no cobwebs on the corpse