
This is possibly the most offensive fast food item I have ever seen, ShakeShack.
Explain the offensiveness please to this Yankee.
It’s honestly two fold: One, Carolina has its own specific burger style involving chili and onions so for those in the know this is misleading Two, and most importantly, Carolina bbq is exclusive pork NOT beef and there should be nothing sweet about the sauce at all. This is a monstrosity!
It would be like a California based chain selling a “Philly cheesesteak style” burger that was a turkey patty with avocado and grilled onions and pepper
I would expect a Carolina bbq burger to have pulled pork involved and a tangy vinegar sauce. The lies. THE LIES
My fav burger place in Cambridge (across the river from Boston) made up names for their burgers. What was their secret? Super fresh ingredients and cooking to order. Want it rare? You get it. Want it raw? It wouldn't hurt you. They still there? Have no idea.