
The Maryhill Stonehenge is a fascinating monument and was a good place to rest Trout and Mako, who were at this point pretty tired. ...wait what? why is there a cement replica of Stonehenge (restored to like-new condition) in Maryhill? This thing looks absolutely surreal...
turns out that this is a WW1 memorial, the country's first, with construction beginning before the war was over. A rich guy who owned a lot of Maryhill visited Stonehenge and was told that human sacrifices had been made there in ancient times (something that is no longer believed to be true).
horrified by the war, he likened fallen soldiers to human sacrifices and was inspired to raise this extraordinary reproduction. Stonehenge's likely actual ancient use was as a solar calendar; while this one is aligned accurately, local geology is such that it doesn't 'work' like the original does.