
Hey so couple of things I want to address real quick. I think I have successfully stopped spiraling on main and gotten better with leaning on people. That said I do deactivate my account alot. Sometimes I get overwhelmed and deactivating helps me evert control over my social anxiety.
I am a queer person in a big named city, a few of you know exactly where. If you think I am in dire need of help and can't get a hold of me, try other friends and partners. If you still can't get a hold of me do not under any circumstances suggest a wellness check.
Sending the cops to my house will make everything worse and possibly kill four queers and two cats. I use weed, I own guns, I live in a rough suburb, the cops will end me. Suggesting this is a good way to get me to recoil from you.
Please trust that I have enough emotional maturity to come to you if I need help. I am strong. I got this.
We’re glad you’re feeling better! Don’t ever feel bad about taking time for yourself or deactivating as you need! We only want what’s best for you!