
Frightening as today's ruling is even worse is that this indicates the court is totally on board with the "unitary presidency" fabrication. So no independent DOJ, no civil service, no independent administrative agencies. But wait, didn't they just destroy the administrative state? How can...
Trump get agencies to do what he wants if their rules can be forever challenged? I know that ending Chevron is what corporations wanted so you might say "well they ruled that way because they served the interests of big business." That's probably the for four of them but I think Roberts'...
..agenda is a bit different and it reconciles Loper Bright with today. See he wants to accumulate power in the court's hands, his in particular. So now the court decides what's an official act or not, the court decides what ambiguous (and if you look hard enough its always ambiguous)...
...legislation means. Because see only the elite educated like himself can figure run things. In short both rulings are defined by the most extreme hubris. You know who else thought he alone could solve the nation's problems in one fell swoop. Roger B. Taney in Dred Scott. Yeah look...
Avatar that turned out. Men like Roberts have been schooled (by the Fed. Society) to imagine themselves philosopher kings. Notable that most have that pedigree, except Sotomayor, who's writings always are filled with common sense reality. Know who else had a different background coming to the...
..court? Earl Warren, who had been a politician and actual governor not a law school hot house flower like we get now. He cut through the BS in a hot minute in Brown.
..I often hear academics and other would be elitists say "I'd prefer a philosopher king to the mob we have now." Well you may be getting your wish. But I bet you never thought the philosopher would be Leo Strauss