Suriel Vazquez

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Suriel Vazquez

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One must imagine Sisyphus Locked In
Do you think dogs ever get annoyed by the infantilizing way we speak to them like bitch I am 4 or 5 years old and know the right times to beg you to eat or poop I will NOT be talked down to
The thing about a Dota fighting game is that it is dead-center in the venn diagram of my multiplayer interests so I appreciate Valve not making it a fully-featured game and allowing me to continue being a functioning member of society
Democrats currently in an emergency meeting to debate whether or not Kendrick should drop a Biden diss track
What I liked about the last episode The Curse is how it wraps everything up all nice and tidy.
Have I gone Woke? Gamers are FURIOUS that I regained consciousness after falling asleep for a few hours
Polls are showing strong potential for Biden to regain voter trust by declaring that his stupefying ongoing support of Israel was "just a big ol' senior moment, like the debate, my bad, Jack," and finally impose sanctions. The country would believe him and rally
Nice main plot you've got there, open-world game. Be a shame if anything were to... interrupt it for half an hour to teach you some bullshit minigame you'll never touch again
Dream sequences in games are always "WhAt If EvErYtHiNg WaS tRiPpY" and never "I forgot to study for a high school history exam and for some reason my teacher had to make it very clear he was anti-Semitic"
Reposted byAvatar Suriel Vazquez
Digital ebook copies of ANIMAL CROSSING, a book by me(!) are available now! This book covers the history of both the game’s development and social communities, as well as a lot of thoughts about what makes the original Animal Crossing so interesting. (1/?)
It's silly to hear people whining about the Elden Ring expansion being too hard. I'm not playing it, but if I were I guarantee I'd breeze past every boss first try, and I don't have to prove it to you.
Very excited to dive into the big new release everyone's been anticipating for so long this weekend. That's right folks--my first weighted blanket
Happy Pride month y'all
Do your attacks hit Ghost-type Pokemon or are you Normal
I'm a pretty orthodox fan so to me when any Metroid game has a 4 in the title it is no longer Prime
Me, watching a game called "Musical Chairs" for the first time, crestfallen: ... Her: what's wrong Me: you're going to think I'm stupid Her: just say it Me: ...I was really expecting from the Chairs
Hope this scan of a Game Informer magazine gets up-resed to 4K in Delta
Bro let's live it up tonight. We're gonna fuck this town up. There's so many bars around here. We're gonna ask for SO many free glasses of water bro. We're gonna be mondo-hydrated bro
Did you think I was FUCKING joking
Joke: What if I played through MGS3 again in HD Broke: What if I dug up my Essential Collection copy for the PS2-perfect controls Bespoke: What if I sought out a Cool copy of the 3DS version to shoot 64 Yoshis using the New C Stick
Joke: What if I played through MGS3 again in HD Broke: What if I dug up my Essential Collection copy for the PS2-perfect controls Bespoke: What if I sought out a Cool copy of the 3DS version to shoot 64 Yoshis using the New C Stick
Destiny 2: The Final Shape (2024)
For the best experience, we recommend playing this game with headphones and a controller. It is also compatible with keyboard and mouse. An arcade stick might also work. This game has not been tested with wait why did you plug in a dance pad
Be aware that there are scenes in Furiosa after the credits. There are also lots of scenes before them
Everyone's saying Google AI telling people to use glue so cheese doesn't slide off a sandwich is "incredibly fucking stupid," "lmao," or "a sign that AI suggestions are literally going to get someone killed" but have you considered that glue does in fact prevent the cheese from s
Finished a kit of Mr. John Gundam. He's having fun.
Have they made a better movie since
Change dot org petition to have the phrase "liquid courage" mean downing some Pepto Bismol instead of alcohol
First shot at chicken katsu. A few notes for next time, but happy with the result. I used fries instead of rice because I had fries and didn't have rice.