
Glenn Levy Donald Trump stole nuclear secrets and other classified docs, and refused to return them. His appointed "judge" is stonewalling to help her benefactor. In a normal world, that would be front page news every day of the week.
This guy actually sold, or gave state secrets to our enemies and the idiots here in the US that drape themselves and everything they own in the US flag, are 100% going to vote for him again. The fake patriotism and fake moralism by those on the right is nauseating and enraging.
It’s unthinkable and infuriating!!!
Didn’t he have some at Bedminster ? They should charge him in New Jersey if so. They have plenty of judges that are used to mobsters and crooked politicians.
You are sooooo right! Why hasn’t that happened yet!?
Whole thing is corrupt. I blame SCOTUS.
I can’t believe their obvious crap in taking the case about his IMMUNITY. JFC. 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
It's all their fault. Citizens United cemented the end of the experiment in democracy. Now they're just a cat playing with the mouse for a little before the end. Anything that sounds reasonable from them is just corporate PR at this point.