
I wonder how much of America these jackasses have visited. Big Blue cities in every state. Red zones of small towns, farms, sagebrush and cows. They threaten to shoot us. I have friends in Philly who have talked about that, in LA, too. โ€œCome on down.โ€ ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„
Garland proves who is ultimately responsible by allowing these threats to go completely unchallenged. Not a single, fucking, word.
Sigh. I try hard not to pile on the guy. But I hear ya.
I have no hesitation. He has earned every ounce.
Iโ€™d settle for an arrest.
I'd settle for a press release stating that the DOJ has recommended to congress that these effers can be indicted!!!! Maybe it won't happen, but at least Garland would be DOING SOMETHING!
If there is another American Revolution it should be to finally establish the undeniable rights of ALL humans, Medicare for All, affordable quality education, minimum wage is always better than just a living wage, undoing Citizens United, gun reform, and updating the Constitution for modern life.