
Sid Eschenbach: · Fuck Around and Find Out, asshole. And sure, bring it. Russian GDP is 2/3 the size of Californias, barely bigger than Mexico, smaller than Canada. You're a fucking gas station with nuclear weapons, and if you use them, the gas station and everything else will be gone.
🐴 Lavrov: "AFU missiles would not have flown, including to Sevastopol, without the direct participation of the United States in guidance." ⠀ 🤡 "You will find out about the Russian Federation’s response in the foreseeable future", he added.
That reminds me of when the USSR fell and all of the boasting about the military capabilities and nuclear capabilities were found to be false.
You’re right. And look at how Ukrainians have decimated them even more. It’s time for NATO to do mop up and end this shit!
Looks like Russia lost 3/4 of a million men in this war. How long can they keep that up?
They can’t. That’s why they are already paying mercenaries from other countries to fight for them. How well is THAT going to work???
Only so many men willing to get paid to die in a war they care nothing about I suppose.
Remember the shocking 60 Minutes segment that exposed them as a rotting carcass of a country? Shocking after growing up on Cold War bases and being fed a constant diet of paranoia
Well, they were right about their evil intentions and plans to dominate every country they can. But they are so corrupt that they can’t keep their own equipment in order. Too much stealing and lying about inventory. Plus, massive alcoholism.
Which is precisely why I only believe a fraction of their nukes are operable and their vodka soaked convict army have no capabilities to control a post nuke battlefield
They fight the way they have always fought: Sheer number of bodies thrown at their enemies. Now they are paying foreign mercenaries, and tricking guys into their military, from India, Nepal, African countries, the “stans,” anybody they can drag in. Plus convicts. Impressive, eh?
Right. I’m not shocked at all. They’ve been a propaganda country for as long as I’ve been alive. All smoke and mirrors. I wish the U.S. and its population would realize that’s what Trump is. Absolutely no substance and all proof and smoke and mirrors.
Smoke and mirrors 🙄
Right? They’re all bluster and no substance.
Ukrainians have drained them so much that they are having to hire foreign mercenaries. What does that tell you!
Which is why they’re going after other countries and their leadership trying to get the type of leaders elected that will be friendly to their agenda.
"you're a gas station with nuclear weapons"...hahahahaha...slayed!
From what I hear, the two major cities (the well-off parts of them anyway - idk how the working-class suburbs are faring) are living like there's no war going on. Everybody else is circling the drain, barely making ends meet, crime through the roof bc of war vets coming home w PTSD and weapons (and
many of these war vets were criminals in the first place, doing time for violent crimes and then pardoned in exchange for signing a contract to go fight in the war)
I’ve read about such people coming home from Ukraine and committing more violent crimes. Communities not happy about that!
Not happy at all, but no one in power cares. I also heard of at least some of these people getting light sentences for their *new crimes* because they are war vets.