
NATO members are spending more because of Putin, not Trump. Australians don't know what to do. They are like the Dems, staring at the oncoming lights.
Right now, these days, our Democrats are more supportive of the military and of backing down Putin vs the Republicans who would be happy to hand Putin Ukraine and Europe. It’s incredible. Aussies have to worry about China, too.
IMO we should simply go independent, like Indonesia and NZ. Forge bilateral ties and forget the US. India, Japan, Indon, Vietnam, Malaysia: those are out natural partners. Instead, we are just drifting along, hoping the US will recover.
If somehow the Republicans win, they are going to destroy all of our alliances. They make me so sick and furious that there’s no adequate words for it. They are TRAITORS within. 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
They are fifth columnists. You can thank Putin.
Benedict arnold reincarnated!
He's a lot worse than Beneditct.