
We have a presidential candidate, a former president no less, making threats against a long list of elected representatives and Pentagon officials. And our fucking media doesn’t care about that?? The Republicans are fine with that? The whole world is watching, morons.
Schiff says ‘of course’ he’s concerned about Trump’s personal threats against Rep. Adam Schiff said on Sunday, “Of course,” that he is concerned about former President Trump’s personal threats against him, especially in light of the Supreme Court’s Monday ruling that core pr…
Should be the number one story when a candidate threatens rivals...unless the press is scared and the msm ownership mutes the truth. You know, catch and kill the story-we've heard that before related to Trump.
gag orders don't work on Trump try handcuffs and iron bars instead!
Waiting/hoping for Mother Nature and Queen Karma to join forces and 'speak' to mr 34 felonies.
Evidence proves your words are truth.
Every single one would be with so many criminals around.