
Nancy Ann · This is the one who threatened violence if we don’t roll over and let them implement project 2025.
Trump has told everyone with a far-right agenda, they can have everything they want if they get him back in the WH
And if big oil will just give him a billion dollars they can drill on the White House lawn, the Alamo, or Yellowstone National Park.
Not to mention that tRump's name is all over the Project 2025 manifesto. Hundreds of times. Following is directly from P2025 website.
He can run, but he can’t hide his relationship to the document. We all know he had a hand in it, and that they are his dreams of power.
Your Honor, I did not rob that bank. I was never at that bank. I don’t understand how the bank got a clear picture of me without a mask, with a gun in one hand and a bag of money in the other. Very strange.
Benedict Donald is the world's greatest liar, bar none.
And no Media will be using that photo in their stories and no one will call him on it