Lana_just Lana

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Lana_just Lana

I've been offline for a while. What's new? Well, apart from the development team now blocking users🤪
I love spring! And the older I get, the more I love it. One master in the art of rune interpretation in January 2023 told me that with the arrival of spring, the frost will recede, the ice will shake, nature will return to life and the situation in my life will turn to movement.
Tomorrow is the day of the vernal equinox. A magical day! Don't miss it😉
Today is a very interesting day! Оne person, who is an authority for me, said that now is a very short time of the year, when you can ask for everything your soul desires! And it is true, now everything instantly goes into realization.
I was asked on one of my social media accounts yesterday why I wrote such a sad/depressed post? Because;) just because
Life is incredibly complicated, but also as unambiguous as possible. At least you always know how everything will end up in the end
1 Million users is not bad;) Some projects even with bots have not grown to a million. The only question is how many authors are present on the site at least once every couple of days
Has everyone made a joke about renaming Twitter yet?
There's so much to do. such a complex psychological background... Good thing I have knowledge about psychology and how to support myself nutritionally. And for all that, we are grains of sand under the feet of the universe with our problems.
Do you get woken up on Saturday mornings by cats, as I do? Also, did someone meow under the bedroom door at night, but I was like a rock
Tired of the heat, of stupidity, of insecurity, of monotony, of some one-sided relationship, of not being able to plan, of not understanding prospects. I guess you wouldn't understand me. I don't remember a smooth and calm period in my life, something abnormal happens all the time.
A picture of Lucky's cat for you. In the house where we live with our kitty, there is always someone going out and often opening the fridge... Kitten Lucky can't sleep in these conditions because he has to keep an eye on everyone. He is constantly sleep deprived!!!
I'll be brief, as I'm very sleepy. I have been struggling with the consequences of medical errors for the last couple of weeks. It's a shame that this battle is often impossible to win
I have wanderful cats! A fluffy cat is generally medical without getting off the sofa. They see and feel everything, but they are often lazy
Everything changes over time. Society changes, we ourselves change.... Sometimes history itself changes. What is stability? For me, what's stable is that everything around us is unstable.
Sometimes it's even good that the post doesn't have to be voluminous. You have to be able to express a thought in a concise way. I'm in a kind of timelessness. The main thing is not to get stuck in it🙀
The planet Venus will enter retro-movement mode from one day to the next.( A "I'm also an astrologer" note.) What are we waiting for? Waiting for the return of old feelings, old lovers! (Of course, you have to look at your personal birth chart too, but the trend is general.)
No desire to write a considered text all day. It was only in the evening that I realised it was Sunday. Apparently, my brain is on strike and wants to rest. Better by the warm sea...
"What have I done to you that makes me so angry with you?" Bert Hellenger. Or "I am a psychologist after all";). Have you ever noticed that if someone close to you betrays you, they start to hate you with wild just fierce anger?
I still love to read a lot, but I don't have time for anything ;(. I love paper books in good quality, and the market is flooded with cheap, low-quality editions. But that's not all: I don't like reading electronic books. I just don't accept them.
Have you noticed that there is a reading crisis in the world? I read a lot as a child and a young person. Then a job in advertising and marketing relaxed my brain because it didn't require reading.
Have you noticed that there is a reading crisis in the world? I read a lot as a child and a young person. Then a job in advertising and marketing relaxed my brain because it didn't require reading.
Sometimes there is no good solution. Sometimes I have to choose between two bad options. I love those occasions when life allows me to pull out the trump card, but that doesn't always happen. Sometimes I just have to close my eyes and make some kind of decision
Sometimes I don't feel like doing anything. I just want to float and float... Like a Dory fish. A man doesn't have to be happy all the time. However, society has decided that a normal person = a contented person But very often a smile is not a sign of happiness but a sign of inner strength
Cats are such kitties! There's a skin on the chair, a plaid on top of the skin and a pillow under the back.... On top of all this goodness lies kitty Lucky! That's the only way cats should lie - on separate fancy cloths;)
Reposted byAvatar Lana_just Lana
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That's interesting! News posts are very poorly received here in BlueSky. Everyone loves kitties, though;)
Sell Ledger 4 units, buy Tresor;)
Dawns and sunsets are my favourite time of day. Unfortunately, I have led a vampire-like lifestyle all my life and hardly ever see a sunrise, but this season I pulled myself together and started waking up before sunrise!
Do I have to work? - Who has to work, let him work