
Reactionary voting is so funny to me. I also would prefer to not have my neighborhoods shops robbed or destroyed but it does not follow that I’d vote for a racist game show imbecile to address that concern It’s the exact same as telling me to cure my Charley horse you can chop off your own leg…
Entire cities policies have been upended and made more brutal for a generation driven largely off the rhetoric and media fueled fears of a stranger approaching a voter in a “dark alley.” It was only natural that the televised images of the late spring / summer of 2020, coupled with a party leader…
…Extremely confident,for a number of convictions and also direct experiences that we don’t need to get into, that I wouldn’t be susceptible to that kind of reactionary thought and voting, even tho the entire premise of this movement is demagogues smugly sneering: OH WELL what if it happens to YOU!!!
… Setting the better and more comprehensive answers for that aside, even if I WERE someone who might change my vote and philosophy based on X Y or Z Bad Thing happening to me, I also am human and have a degree of spite coursing thru my veins, and I dislike those media and political reactionaries…
…enough that even if I DID feel that way, lol, no way I would ever give that to you and act according to your belief system.
I have my fail safes ready to go, don’t you worry
I live in a neighborhood that was under a curfew order for part of that time and was kept up all night by a helicopter hovering a couple blocks away and it was still the "law and order" types who pissed me off and made me hate them even more than I already did
It gets more absurd when you also remember that not doing anything about police brutality for decades, and then using stupid 'strong man' tactics against protesters, both explicitly right-wing positions, caused the 2020 protests. Voting right-wing is actually voting to make that problem worse.