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To everyone who encouraged the Left to "shut up and support Biden" through the years of Bernie Sanders, through the 2022 primaries, to today with the Gaza Genocide. This disastrous situation that you see through your screen of a dementia riddled man is completely on your hands.
Zionist identity politics is what the right thinks left wing identity politics is about. Crying fowl even at the smallest of micro-aggressions in order to weaponize them to create a monstrous oppressive fascist state.
Unbelievable. The “Expert” panel at the UN Western media is gushing about used the EXACT same sources and investigation strategies as the widely debunked NYT article. This journalist at the scene tears them to shreds by asking them…basic questions: youtu.be/CnCb3SnSvkU?...
“Experts” at the UN are using the same bogus debunked sources as NYTyoutu.be The exact same sources as the already debunked NYT "Screams Without Words" is the entire basis of the "expert" UN panel looking into Hamas mass rapes on 10/7.
When starting my first book, should I make something simple, short, and easy first to get my feet wet? Or should I create the long epic story that has been nagging me this entire time?
Despite non-stop attempts to manufacture consent, 1 in 3 Americans believe that Israel is committing genocide, with that rising to half of American adults who under 30. If this isn’t a signal for a seismic generation gap I don’t know what is. www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024...
I unironically believe that the Gazan Genocide will be seen as a turning point as when many of left leaning (even by American standards) become more skeptical of mass media.
A reminder that “Manufacturing Consent” is as relevant as ever.
Saying that Israel is excused from settler colonialism because the U.S. did it is ridiculous. The point is that that was (relatively) long ago and wrong, and we are now supposedly in a modern “civilized” world. It’s a weak argument for the same reason why Israel reinstating slavery would be.
I always lol how “non-conformist” Gen X was the last generation to conform in having your “parents politics”. Even their “revolutionary” groups are just a bunch of poo poo garbage soft lib shit: www.adbusters.org/article/weve...
Never let those who excuse or support Israel’s genocide of Gaza forget about their stance. In the future they’ll claim that they “didn’t have enough information” despite the crimes being well documented. The reality is that they believe in supremacy & imperialism & that’s why they support Israel.
A majority of Americans support a permanent ceasefire. Yet virtually noone in Congress calls for it. Never mind Medicare4All (remember this?), minimum wage increases, etc. Capitalist electoral democracy is gradually showing its true self & Americans are starting to notice the flaws & contradictions.
What makes the concept of “higher ed is too radical” stupid, is just how toothless higher ed is. Classes are filled with “both sides” & a PMC view of the world. But since they teach that slavery, ethnic cleansing, & genocide are bad, & that alone still disrupts the status quo so much speaks volumes.
End of feed.