Adrien Lemaire ドリ

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Adrien Lemaire ドリ

Mr QR code.
CTO @MadeInTracker, a startup reinventing traceability.
Committed to fight greenwashing and misinformation

Outdoor large screen, awesome picnic, ready to have fun until the fireworks! #BastilleDay #Toulouse
Got some new flatmates for a week
Brought my 9yo to the airport today, going for 2 months see the family in Japan. 2 months... that's going to be very long... Kids are growing so fast.
France's honor is safe for now, even if the far right popularity has increased. Maybe we aren't so racist after all. Now, I hope we can have a functioning government in the coming years with this new cohabitation between center and left ... Please don't make Melanchon prime minister 🙏
Regular coffee intake seems to reduce risks of getting Alzheimer. Good, good, I'm very well protected then
Finally got time to focus on the Q3 company OKRs. Here are my own. Since my doctor tried to get me on a sick leave yesterday, it's a good time to focus again on a daily routine and stop being consumed by work 😂 That which is measured improves. An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.
And here's our latest artwork passport 🎉 Constance, who spent years dedicating herself to fablabs in France, received tonight this surprise thankyou gift. Enjoy reading it (🇫🇷&🇺🇲). You can also order your own artwork to Qunfin from the application ✨ #art #gift
Depressed about the french election results. Record participation from electors. Nice 🥳 Record results from the far right. Wtf 😱☠️ Marine Le Pen is scary. She managed to get French people to forget about her father Jean-Marie, but she's just as rotten to the core. France's reputation is fucked.
I thought food was digested in up to 8 hours. Wondering how come yesterday's pizza came back tonight, 24 hours after eating it. Was so sick in the afternoon 🤢 Getting better now, but hard race and no food intake, how am I gonna be tomorrow 😱 Won't be eating pizza 🍕 before a race ever again.
Trail tomorrow, 22km and 1400m elevation. Gotta eat well tonight 💪😍
Finished 78 / 397 at the 3 pics trail 22km / 1400m. Pretty good considering that last time I ran was 5 weeks ago. And 4km of cramps at the end during descent. Just worked too much recently. I pledge to get back to exercising regularly and getting a daily normal sleep amount in July.
Trail tomorrow, 22km and 1400m elevation. Gotta eat well tonight 💪😍
Our 3rd event was a huge success ! Our 1st photograph artist could use Artwork Passport for his exposition 🎉 Read more about his work Blade Runner 2049 Green Control Room 1 Secret Tower 1
After struggling for 4 hours on some flutter code, I finally get to eat my dinner 🥳
Made In Tracker is building the Artwork Passport. And we are hacking the NFT support right now ! To start with, artists will have their artwork registered in the Solana Blockchain. But we plan on letting artists choose their favorite blockchain ! Join us if you have a specific blockchain need 🔥
Are you interested in joining our team of Bioinformaticians and software engineers? 🖥️🧬 At, we are establishing an integrated suite of scientific databases of fundamental relevance for the life sciences 🧪🧫. Follow the link to learn more!
Made In Tracker's 3rd artist event scheduled next week ! 🎉 This time, we'll accompany a photograph 🤩 New features to build for that event: - handle the ownership of limited copies for an image (which IP stays with the artist) - handle booking. Let's go 🔥🚀
Our team is expanding nicely. In less than a month, we found a Japanese, an Ivorian and an Indian, 3 awesome talents to push up the level of the team 🚀 With french, Moroccan and Tunisian people, it's starting to be really international 😍 Made In Tracker, future world traceability system for all ✨
Wtf is that. Marvel scene with monster Japanese "fight" French candidate. Melanchon and his hero syndrome 🤣
Happy Friday ! Might have to clean my desk a bit. The AI generated character strangely looks like me. I should buy a hoodie
Looking for artists ! Artwork Passport Free QR codes / beautiful stories to enhance artworks during expositions. No conditions. We're building the product and value your feedback to iterate faster. Already 2 successful events done, 1 in Paris. The next one is with you! #art
When I started Arabic, I realized it would be complicated like Japanese if I didn't try learning the alphabet first. Well, theoretically that's done. No more excuse to not learn what the readings mean now 🔥 اتمنى لك يوم جيد
French national assembly dissolved, another vote at the end of the month. Huge poker move. 🃏 High risk for the far-right leader to become prime minister. Last time the assembly got dissolved some 26 years ago, it didn't go well for the president... 😱
11pm, finally caught up on kanji reviews, only took 1h35 🤪 Time to get some sleep and be as fresh as one can be for the new week to come ! Good night 😴
Saddened by the EU results... In France, 43% of seats are taken by far-right politicians. Worried about the future of Europe and European democracies.
Busy day today: - vote for the EU elections - catch up on all the kanji reviews I couldn't do these past days - handle 3 girls at home on a rainy day
Today's dessert: fondant au chocolat with frozen raspberries. I'm too weak to resist this stuff 🤤
I got praised by my wife for cleaning up the house... I shouldn't be praised for that... It's just normal. That just means I have worked too much recently and neglected that part 😅 Have to do better 💪
Good morning! It's Saturday 9h, the event in which our Artwork Passport will be used is at 11h30. I could rest and pat myself for releasing a good prototype yesterday. Or I could spend the next 2h30 to add yet another feature and try making a stronger effect. I'm game 🔥
So sleep deprived it feels like I'm running on 30% of cognitive abilities. A bit worried about tomorrow's deadline for our artist event 😨 Monster is really good at designing it's cans 🤩
A senior software engineer from Microsoft is joining our ranks ! 🎉 And we're still looking for a great flutter developer. Are you up to joining an A-star team and becoming one of the guys responsible for transforming an unknown startup into a unicorn ? 🚀