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Cartoonist of One Over Zero, Leftover Soup, Roll To Save, and Forward, roughly in that order. I also make board games and roleplaying games and furry art, much of it pornographic. Warrior Poet, Philosopher King. he/him
Slept all day. Hope that does the trick. I really don't want to keep taking sick days.
Wordle 1,123 4/6 nerdlegame 909 3/6 Dungleon 892 2/6♦️ Squardle 894 6 Guesses Remaining
Still not feeling it, ended stream early. Sorry, everyone. Will try to make it up Wednesday or Friday.
Wordle 1,122 4/6 nerdlegame 908 4/6 Dungleon 891 3/6♦️ Squardle 893 6 Guesses Remaining
Hey, the stream has started! picarto.tv/tailsteak I'm gonna be frontloading all the puzzles in one go, so prepare for that...
Trying to caffeinate myself, I should be ready for streaming at 5. Gonna do all the puzzles in a row first thing when stream starts, so be ready for that.
Folks, due to circumstances beyond my control, today's stream is gonna be delayed. I'm planning on starting at 5pm, so it'll just be a 6 hour. Apologies. You can still read today's Forward, though! forwardcomic.com/archive.php?...
Forwardforwardcomic.com A comic about the future.
Man, I've really been flagging lately, the periodic greying out is annoying. I need to find a way to beat this insomnia, going to bed earlier isn't the solution - I just lie there frustrated and bored longer. Any recommendations for sleep aids? (Melatonin doesn't work on me.)
Wordle 1,121 4/6 nerdlegame 907 4/6 Dungleon 890 3/6♦️ Squardle 892 5 Guesses Remaining
I can't believe I duck into a stream for two hours, and when I emerge back into the world, I find out a NEWS happened. What the hell, Americans?
Thanks to everyone who came by to watch Wanda's Disco Elysium stream! As always, if you missed it, the VOD is still available on the Picarto page, and I'm uploading the game streams to Youtube as quickly as I can edit them.
Wanda's stream is starting up! Come check out part 2! picarto.tv/Tailsteak
Hey, Wanda is streaming again today! picarto.tv/tailsteak Our intrepid inventor returns to the world of Disco Elysium, starting at 5pm Eastern. (DE contains graphic content, viewer discretion is advised!)
Wordle 1,120 3/6 nerdlegame 906 3/6 Dungleon 889 3/6♦️ Squardle 891 5 Guesses Remaining Decent numbers today!
Oh wow, it's already 5pm (halfway through my typical 11-11 day), and this thing is maybe half done. I always forget how long writing takes...
Today is a Writing Day. Other than various physical chores, I'm gonna strap in, listen to instrumental music, write comics, and try not to be distracted. Wish me luck!
Wordle 1,119 6/6 nerdlegame 905 3/6 Dungleon 888 4/6♦️ Squardle 890 5 Guesses Remaining
I've gotten to 100 points for the day, but I don't think I'll push to 150. My hands don't want to ink properly, I'm not feeling like I can write... 100 points is enough. I'll accomplish more tomorrow. For now... sensible dinner.
Reposted byAvatar Tailsteak
Joseph's Dad: "you're so unusually pretty I bought you this nice coat" Readers: "???" Alternatively: Josephs Dad: "you're so unusually pretty I bought you this princess dress" Readers: "...oh! OH!!!!"
Ok so this is a chance to share one of my favorite religion facts It is not a "coat" it is a PRINCESS DRESS. The hebrew word used does not mean "coat" and the only other time it is used in the bible is to describe a dress King Herod bought for his daughter. Really changes the story!
A TTRPG based on 80s-era Saturday morning cartoons where players level up at the end of every session (episode) by delivering a moral-of-the-story/very-special-message to the audience (safety=bonus to perception, anti-drug=bonus to health, etc).
Wordle 1,118 5/6 nerdlegame 904 3/6 Dungleon 887 4/6♦️ Squardle 889 6 Guesses Remaining Pretty decent session! Computer issues (hopefully) dealt with, today is looking like it'll be productive. Wish me luck!
Idea: Fitness D&D Trainer/GM finds a group of players who all agree to have a regular workout session. Each player works with the trainer to find six exercises that work out different parts of their body and how many of them to equal one "rep".
I have had more than enough stress for the past two days. I'm taking it easy for the rest of the day. Tomorrow, I'm back at it. This new computer better be worth it....
Reposted byAvatar Tailsteak
A Crossword Puzzle xkcd.com/2957
Okay, I think I've got all my settings configured, I should be good for making comics & streaming on schedule.
Bullshit casefan LEDs successfully turned off!
Me, an hour ago: Hmm, yes, I should probably use this OneDrive thing so my files are automatically backed up in future. That seems smart! Me, two minutes ago, attempting to check the hotmail account I use for everything: What do you mean no space in my inboxSON OF A BITCH
Pros: New computer less likely to fail, more HD space, evidently no data lost Cons: Expensive, weird LED lights, everything about Windows 11, two days' worth of effort, two months' worth of stress, can't reuse components, e-waste