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He/him || FR/EN || Doing my best
I don't speak to right wingers.
À l'heure où l'idéologie d'extreme droite domine le débat public et où les grands médias parlent du peuple de gauche comme une menace pour le pays, la victoire (bien que relative) du Front Populaire de dimanche reste une victoire historique et un rappel que rien n'est jamais joué d'avance.
Current political events in France is the perfect example of Neoliberalism being an open door to fascism. They'll demonize the Left and let far right talking points invade public discourse, so that you'll have to choose between them or fascism. That's the only way they can maintain power.
Oubliez surtout pas d'aller voter aux legislatives, plus jamais de fachos au pouvoir en France!!
I'm currently playing the OG FF7 for the first time and watching vods from the remake on the side. It feels like the devs managed to recreate what was going on in a kid's head when playing FF7 back in the day, this is really wild!
According to Youtube comments, one can't both have their own perception/definition of a concept and agree with its common definition , let alone that of others.
End of feed.