Tamir Moustafa

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Tamir Moustafa


Law/society, religion/politics, authoritarian ‘rule by law’; Middle East (especially Egypt); politics of knowledge production. https://tamirmoustafa.com/books
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Polisky, this may be a long shot, but I wonder if anyone knows of an empirical study that examines how the peer review process may inadvertently work against some research methods while benefitting others. Here’s an example of what I’m after: Austin Ranney, the APSR editor in the 1960s…
Polisky At moments like this, do you wonder why political science is so distant from politics and so obsessed with "value-neutrality"? This article helps to explain why. doi.org/10.1017/S153...
Polisky "I don't see why it's necessary to so flatly exclude large areas of our discipline." James K. Pollock, April 9, 1964, reacting to the draft policy for the NSF Political Science Program. For context, see "Political Science as a Dependent Variable" in PoP: doi.org/10.1017/S153...
Polisky It’s publication day for “Political Science as a Dependent Variable: The National Science Foundation and the Shaping of a Discipline”   I hope you’ll have a look and join me in considering how the NSF shaped political science and the social sciences more generally.
Political Science as a Dependent Variable: The National Science Foundation and the Shaping of a Discipline | Perspectives on Politics | Cambridge Coredoi.org Political Science as a Dependent Variable: The National Science Foundation and the Shaping of a Discipline
OMG, these allegations are bananas. Let’s see how this shakes out at the nytimes.
New doubts are emerging about the New York Times’s coverage of sexual violence in the October 7 attack. The paper must explain why it broke its own rules by hiring a clearly biased writer who endorsed racist and violent rhetoric toward Palestinians.
Extraordinary charges of bias emerge against NYTimes reporter Anat Schwartzmondoweiss.net New doubts are emerging about the New York Times’s coverage of sexual violence in the October 7 attack. The paper must explain why it broke its own rules by hiring a clearly biased writer who endorsed...
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The Palestinian scholar @danaelkurd.bsky.social learned about the Oct. 7 Hamas attacks while visiting the Jewish Museum of Berlin. For New Lines, she describes the whiplash of absorbing atrocities across multiple decades and reflects on worlds overturned.
Memory Voids and Role Reversalsnewlinesmag.com A Palestinian scholar describes the whiplash of learning about the Oct. 7 Hamas attacks while visiting the Jewish Museum of Berlin, and reflects on moral juxtapositions and worlds overturned
Reposted byAvatar Tamir Moustafa
Emily Tamkin on the anti-war movement on the Jewish left. “‘It felt powerful to be in grief with community, with people who are able to mourn both Israeli and Palestinian dead.’“ slate.com/news-and-pol...
What the Jewish-Led Protests Against Israel’s Actions Look Like Right Nowslate.com At the White House, hundreds pleaded: “How dare you use my grief to justify killing innocent civilians in my name?”
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