Tash 🍉

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Tash 🍉


Your groove I do deeply dig :: Te Whakatōhea, Te Rarawa, Ngāpuhi, Pākehā :: she/her :: Mai te awa ki te moana 🇵🇸 Free Palestine
Man who supports Israel as it commits genocide says he “would never condone hate speech or political violence”
interesting how political "leaders" can be so swift and vociferous in condemning an attempt to assassinate a fascist but are so very silent, so very indifferent (or even, so very supportive) as fascists for months (and years) assassinate thousands of Palestinians on the daily
Reposted byAvatar Tash 🍉
Israel believes itself innocent of crimes against humanity, not by denying the crimes, but by denying the humanity of Palestinians.
Wish there was something quick and fast-acting, a potion or a pill, so that tomorrow morning I awoke fluent, and flawless, and fearless, in the reo of our tīpuna.
Reposted byAvatar Tash 🍉
Worth pointing out that Mindful Money doesn't appear to specifically track Israeli company / bond holdings so you might still need to look through your provider's documentation separately. Some don't publish their full holdings but some do (including Pathfinder).
Reposted byAvatar Tash 🍉
I moved my KiwiSaver to Pathfinder a few years ago - might be worth a look. Net returns may not be a strong as Simplicity or some of the more aggressive active managers like Milford but I think they have a better ESG approach. Mindfulmoney.nz is a great tool for comparing funds based on ESG.
Mindful Money | Find a fund that fits your valuesmindfulmoney.nz Mindful money helps New Zealanders find a KiwiSaver or investment fund that matches their values.
I changed my KiwiSaver to Simplicity years ago, on the basis of their promise to invest ethically, nō reira am appalled to discover tis not the case. There’s no place in Aotearoa for any person or business complicit in, profiteering from, or in any way aiding the genocide & apartheid of Palestinians
Perhaps you’d like to see this photo my wee tama took of everyone helping to put down the hāngī
this fragile bauble we know as earth, how glorious it can be.
Good morning #NewZealand! how are things shaping up for your weekend?
Filing this amongst the good news of the day. Blessings to this man.
Hark! What fuckery thru yonder screen breaks! Why, it be Jenny-May partaking in cosy lil' shit chat with this ardent supporter of a genocidal regime slaughtering, torturing and displacing Palestinians!
Reposted byAvatar Tash 🍉
Time to put Writers on Mondays in your diary on repeat! On 8 July we feature first essay collections by Airini Beautrais and Flora Feltham—women working out how to live their lives and how to write about them. 1215 Te Huinga Centre, Level 3, Te Papa, free! www.wgtn.ac.nz/modernletter...
Writers on Mondays | Te Pūtahi Tuhi Auaha o Te Ao / International Institute of Modern Letters | Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellingtonwww.wgtn.ac.nz
be a fine thing to have leaders we believe and can believe in, who keep our hope engines running, who are brave, who are decent. lord hear my prayer.
My hoas! Apparently we’re looking at this all wrong and decades of brutal occupation, dehumanisation, violent displacement, torture and wholesale slaughter committed with glee, makes for “an inspiring example of what decolonisation looks like”
still can't believe some people are more angst-ridden and apoplectic by biden being unable to finish a cogent sentence in a debate, by than him being willing and able to finish an entire people in Palestine.
theworkingsofmy. keyboard seem to havealtered.the. spacebar sometimes. works sometimes doesn't so words. find themselvesrunning together andfullstops insert themselves randomly & it'smakingtyping unexpected, each line a surprise,never quite knowing exactlywhat's about to.happen. like life iguess
Jerry Jones, owner of the Dallas Cowboys, has a net worth of $14.2 billion. The salary of a Dallas Cowboy is anywhere between $1 million and $40 million. A Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader makes $15-20 per hour.
Haere haere e hoa mā ❤️🖤🤍💚
This film is important, and if you care about #Palestine and live in Wellington or Auckland, I highly recommend going to see it on Sunday 23rd. Spread the word. cc @tashmahal.bsky.social @tzemingdynasty.bsky.social kinema.com/events/where... Trailer: youtu.be/-VectWsWc1Q
Where Olive Trees Weep - Screening at Vogelmornkinema.com Get tickets for the screening of Where Olive Trees Weep
Reading this as-per-usual-bang-on-top-tier-truth-telling piece by the inimitable Tina Ngata reminded me of the current Minister for Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations -a man who helped Don Brash write his Orewa speech- saying that colonisation was a good thing for Māori e-tangata.co.nz/history/dism...
Dismantling 'kind' colonialism | E-Tangatae-tangata.co.nz “It’s a mythical kindness because it’s always conditional on us being submissive. As soon as we stop submitting to Crown authority, that kindness, as we are seeing now, disappears.” — Tina Ngata.
I have decided to clean the fridge
Here are some flowers for you
Pō mārie e hoa mā. May tomorrow be a better, brighter day.
Woody Allen not only groomed the 21yr old daughter of his long-time partner, but was also accused by his 7yr daughter of sexual abuse. To minimise those claims as a “questionable approach toward relationships” & imply condemnation of Allen’s actions was down to antisemitism is beyond the pale.
A scene from Andrei Rublev (1966) and a note to self to notice the beauty of things before they’re no longer there to notice the beauty of.
May I just give a big mihi to the hardworking nature of the kupu “mea” eg tirohia te rerenga nei: “Ka mea atu ia a Mea kia meatia ngā mea katoa ki mea wāhi” Dude’s out there in te ao being a verb & a proper noun & a common noun & a modifier & a this-that-&-the other. Words nē - amazing wee things
Pai tō mahi Pōneke 🫶🏽✊🏽
Nary a day goes by in these here times, where my fragile eggshell mind is not blown, again, and again, and again, by people so vociferously defending the forever indefensible.