
Well, I know what *I'm* making this weekend.
It doesn't matter what they look like, I LIKE DUMPLINGS So, my sister-in-law is Japanese. First time I met her I was invited over for "burgers and a beer". While waiting she kept bringing out little tiny pot-stickers. I ate them likke the American water buffalo. She said "you like? More?" I /
said "YES!". It took me like three plates to notice that EACH HAD UNIQUE bits of kanji printed on them. So... Being an idiot, I stopped and asked - "um... do each of these say something unique?". She said "yes". Then I said "did you MAKE each of these?" she said "yes"
I'm sure your appetite was a compliment to her dumpling making skills 😁
You name me a culture, and they are bound to have a "dumpling", and I am going to like them!
Things inside things are even better than things! This is well known and a constant across world cuisines.