
Just yesterday I recorded an incredible conversation with the archivist from Ford, formerly of Coca-Cola, about the history of fueling infrastructure in this country and let me just say... when you listen to that conversation, you'll understand why we haven't cracked the code on EV charging yet.
There are two camps here: One understands what basic-ass AC charging can do and that overnight charging takes care of all local needs full stop. That's me, wishing we focused on this. The other imagines EVs getting used like ICE vehicles, and pulls the trigger assuming this makes sense.
I would wager every report you see from someone being dissatisfied with an EV is someone who could not charge at home and got one anyway. And every report you see where EV owners question what on Earth people are thinking comes from people who can charge at home.
And by focusing so much on DC fast charging built up and effectively not at all on getting slow charging at apartment buildings and workplaces, we are setting up a whole class of folks to not understand the best ways to use their EVs. This includes policy makers who could help renters.
I’ve been saying this for a decade, and am so dismayed that such a simple problem that is already 90% solved (electricity is everywhere!) has seen so little headway. Not that I would expect landlords to spontaneously do anything without a money reason, but that’s what govt incentives are for!
And also, if landlords were actually smart, they'd realized that they would attract more tenants. Potentially wealthier tenants. They could rationally raise rent by $100 a month, pay for the installation over a year or two, and renters with EVs would gladly pay that premium.