
And the primary reason for that is because the money you get when you go past GO each time, does not increase. But rents do.
Remember: Monopoly has a Basic Income and everyone still ends up bankrupt and homeless.
And if you cannot afford to pay the rent, you go Directly To Jail, Do Not Pass Go, Do NOT Collect $200 If you've ever played Monopoly, then you will recall how at a certain point in the game it is actually cheaper to remain in jail...where you are not charged a rent. Until forced to leave.
Or most people don't pay by the actual rules because they ignore the auction that's supposed to happen when you can't or won't buy a property where you can force other players to over pay or get properties cheap.
Ah, so the only time we can force the capital class to play by the rules is in a game. Got it.
Oh the capital class will happily play by the rules when they benefit them