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We need to think about computational sufficiency– no more than is needed, and no less, in light of computational needs and assessments of available resources for them, says William Burns.
Putting Speed Limits on Silicon Chips | We need to think about computational sufficiency in light of computational needs and assessments of available resources, says William Burns.
Studying how misinformation spread following the 2018 Bolsonaro stabbing reveals patterns and trends that may help following the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump, write Roberta Braga and Cristina Tardáguila, researchers at the Digital Democracy Institute of the Americas.
Brazil Case Offers Insight on Predictable Misinformation Post-Trump Shooting | Studying how misinformation spread following the 2018 Bolsonaro stabbing reveals patterns and trends, write Roberta Braga and Cristina Tardáguila.
Ariel Fox Johnson writes that the reality of what the US Supreme Court decision in Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo means for privacy, and youth privacy in particular, is nuanced. But if there is bipartisan congressional interest in protecting teens' privacy, legislation is needed now.
Protecting Kids’ Privacy, Post-Chevron Deference | For privacy, and youth privacy in particular, the reality of what the Loper decision means is nuanced, writes Ariel Fox Johnson.
Brandie Nonnecke, Director of the CITRIS Policy Lab, writes that several concerns must be addressed to make the Validation and Evaluation for Trustworthy (VET) AI Act effective. Sen. John Hickenlooper (D-CO) proposed the new legislation.
Mandated Third-Party AI Audits are Coming—Addressing AI’s Socio-Technical Challenges Will Be Key | Several concerns must be addressed to make the Validation and Evaluation for Trustworthy AI Act effective, writes Brandie Nonnecke.
Independent researchers from targeted countries should collaborate to probe who exactly was responsible for the US military’s COVID-19 vaccine disinformation campaign and whether platforms did enough to protect their countries, writes Jonathan Corpus Ong:
Targeted Countries Should Demand Accountability from the Pentagon and Platforms for COVID Disinformation | Independent researchers from targeted countries should collaborate to demand answers and accountability, writes Jonathan Corpus Ong.
New findings from Tech Policy Press/YouGov poll of US adults find that 65% support a surgeon general’s warning label on social media. 59% support banning the collection of personal information to target advertising to children.
Tech Policy Press/YouGov Poll Finds Support for US Surgeon General Warning Label for Social Media | Banning smartphones in schools was also popular among voters, writes Gabby Miller and Ben Lennett.
There are only two *appropriate* responses to Marc Andreessen pontificating: (1) Roll your eyes until you leave yourself with a migraine. (2) Point and laugh at the guy. Today, in, I choose option 2. It's the healthy choice.
The “Little Tech Agenda” is Just Self-Serving Nonsense | The “Little Tech Agenda” has nothing to do with innovation or technology. It’s just a VC wish list, writes Dave Karpf.
Initial transparency reports filed by platforms under the EU's Digital Services Act reveal both progress and persistent challenges, writes Alessia Zornetta. Her analysis considers disclosures around government requests and content moderation.
Is The Digital Services Act Truly A Transparency Machine? | Initial transparency reports filed by platforms under the DSA reveal both progress and persistent challenges, writes Alessia Zornetta.
By placing child safety at the forefront of technological progress and innovation, India can set a new global standard for responsible innovation and technological development, says Aditi Pillai, a researcher at Citizen Digital Foundation:
When Wonderlands Become Rabbit Holes: The Urgent Need for Online Child Safety Regulation in India | Aditi Pillai considers what protections are needed for children on social media platforms in India, where language presents a challenge.
Google researchers studied 191 incidents of generative AI misuse from January 2023 - March 2024. Prithvi Iyer breaks down the results of the paper they just published, "Generative AI Misuse: A Taxonomy of Tactics and Insights from Real-World Data":
Researchers Develop Taxonomy of Generative AI Misuse From Real World Data | Google researchers studied 191 incidents of generative AI misuse from January 2023 - March 2024.
Avatar and Dean Jackson, fellows at Tech Policy Press, write that the outcome of the lawsuit concerning the California Age Appropriate Design Code Act has implications well beyond kids’ online safety. A hearing next week will help determine its fate:
The California Age Appropriate Design Code Act May Be the Most Important Piece of Tech Legislation You’ve Never Heard Of | Jesús Alvarado and Dean Jackson are fellows at Tech Policy Press.
Free Press policy counsel Yanni Chen says a Supreme Court decision reversing the bedrock principle of administrative law called the Chevron doctrine is a damaging blow to federal agencies’ processes to protect the public.
What Fishing Boats and the Supreme Court Have to Do with Undermining the FCC | Free Press policy counsel Yanni Chen says a Supreme Court decision is a damaging blow to federal agencies’ processes to protect the public.
My first ever piece is live, thanks at Read it, we worked hard on a reasonable word count! *President Biden urgently needs to rectify the institutional limits for privacy and set the US on a new trajectory when it comes to surveillance.*
Biden Cannot Protect Privacy or Defend Democracy by Expanding Surveillance Powers | President Biden urgently needs to rectify the institutional limits for privacy and set the US on a new trajectory, writes Isadora Borges Monroy.
Transitioning the Christchurch Call to Action and its multistakeholder effort to address terrorist and violent content to a not-for-profit model was necessary to ensure its success for years to come, writes Rachel Wolbers.
The Christchurch Call to Action Loses Its Government Funding – That’s a Good Thing | Transitioning the Call to a not-for-profit model was necessary to ensure its success for years to come, writes Rachel Wolbers.
Check out the latest Global Digital Policy Roundup for June 2024 by Digital Policy Alert, featuring key developments in digital regulations and policies worldwide. The report covers significant updates in AI, content moderation, competition, and data governance.
Global Digital Policy Roundup: June 2024 | Drawing from the Digital Policy Alert’s daily monitoring of G20 countries, the roundup summarizes the highlights in four core areas of digital policy.
Spinning the results of recent research on its effects on politics, Meta seems to want to disarm its critics. But are the results really strong enough to counter the concerning evidence from inside the company that is in the public domain? and Paul Barrett say no:
The Politics of Social Media Research: We Shouldn’t Let Meta Spin the Studies It Sponsors | Meta would like to disarm its critics, but Justin Hendrix and Paul Barrett argue that would be unwise.
The hailstorm of AI-related lawsuits over the past nine months can make the litigation space feel chaotic and confusing. In fact, the lawsuits can be roughly sorted into two simple buckets: copyright infringement and harmful AI-driven outcomes, writes Transparency Coalition.AI's Bruce Barcott:
AI Lawsuits Worth Watching: A Curated Guide | The lawsuits can be roughly sorted into two buckets: copyright infringement and harmful AI-driven outcomes, writes Bruce Barcott.