
C-suites have always made bafflingly dumb choices about implementing new tech, but it does feel like executives are making those dumb choices at a much faster, more dangerous rates nowadays
Even worse, C-suites are buying in on the chrome & foam.
Feels like C-suites are speed-running their own tenures at companies more now. More willing to 'burn the ships' for a few good years under them, make good coin, then peace out or bounce to the next thing. Seems to be way less long-term planning/strategy.. which I have a few different thoughts on..
one more thing I’ll say is this also feels tied to the loss of consequences & loss of the importance of ‘reputation’. Politics have devolved so much, & this is now impacting the corporate world. Anyone that faked caring about ethics for their reputation feels like that shit doesn’t matter anymore
It's almost like making a shit ton of money & having ethics are at cross purposes. Weird.
lmao yes this too. But there used to be a world where some CEOs cared enough about pretending to care or pretending to be inspiring and ethical, et cetera Also the CEOs 'talk' & this thread might land me on some List of Ire but whatever. If you're a CEO & GAF about others this doesn't apply to you
Maybe I'm cynical but it seems like CEO's have never taken ethics seriously. If a company is big enough to have a CEO, they are doing something unethical, usually screwing their employees.
"Any business over a certain size is doing something unethical by default" is extremely cynical, yes.
Thinking a business has to reach a certain size to warrant a CEO discounts the opinion as well. Maybe being even mildly curious about basic corporate management structure should preface forming an opinion about the ethics of management.
dunno, doesn’t feel like anyone in this thread is ‘sore’. I know it can be hard to read tone on the net & we often therefore over compensate with emojis et cetera.. so the absence of those can feel stark (I often do struggle w this fwiw) but this thread feels non-emotional & just ‘curious’ to me
I'm definitely emotional, but yes, I should make allowances for different types of organizations & and businesses that aren't on the predatory spectrum. Non-profits, food banks & charitable orgs are not what I was referring to & it seems a little silly to have to state that.