Allan the Alien

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Allan the Alien

Broke down on Earth touring the Milky Way
2024 makes about as much sense as fat people in skinny jeans
If your government is corrupted completely what's the point in voting? Y'all have fun at the booths I'm hunting manbearpig. Makes as much sense but it's more fun lol
The person is smart. People are stupid. Which is why idiocy prevails.
My online life as a climate scientist ⬇️
There are only a few people who are 'stupid rich'. But for even just those few millions of other people have to work their asses off to stay poor, destitute. Millions toiling for scraps so those with position and power can watch their fortunes grow beyond need or even reason.
How much does a US citizen need to work to not need food stamps..?
Work your ass off and still can't keep food in the house without government assistance. Being American sucks
I wish we could boycott capitalism until it went out of business lol
For the first time in RNC history donor money will be funneled straight to a candidate's pac. In this case to Trump towards his legal bills. Weeks after his daughter in law Laura was installed as the organization's new Chair.. obvious blatant corruption.
Is there anywhere a human can work that cares about employees more than shareholders?
Because we don't usually experience the trials of generations past, it's easy to misplace the wisdom endowed..and so history repeats itself.
Humans are the known species in the galaxy that place more value on their societies currencies than their planet's natural resources
Humans are so technologically inferior if you showed one a slipspace drive he would mistake it for a combustion engine lol
Trump once claimed he had the best words..but he's never been able to prove it
I miss the days when two men could settle their differences with a bit of mild violence to find common ground afterwards
Children in Gaza staining desperately for something, anything, in their bowls
Sick of watching my countrymen be conned by the people we elect to represent us...I wish I were a million men..
Shame on the United States for supporting and funding genocide and famine within Gaza
Genocide and famine funded by the United States upon Gaza
Western 21st century business module: stock buybacks
Two people you should never trust: a religious leader who tells you how to vote, and a politician who tells you how to pray.
'unless people like you care a whole, whole lot, nothing is going to's not.' - Dr. Seuss Too many times I've heard, "that's just how it is", or "nothing you can do about it". When really those are lies. The problem is too few of us care enough for change to be possible.
"Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. If you gaze long enough into the abyss..the abyss will gaze back into you." - Friedrich Nietzsche
John Oliver on last week tonight talking about how the Supreme Court is just as corrupt as the House and Senate
Creating the 'other side' and then blaming them for all your problems is exactly how they keep us all under heel. Divide and conquer
Citizens United essentially legalized federal bribery. And no one talks about it.
Did you know the way we calculate the national poverty rate hasn't changed since it's introduction in the 60s? The calculation does not take into account housing, transportation, child care, or medical costs, and certainly hasn't accounted for inflation.
'Forced to toil and suffer so those with coin and position can see their fortunes grow beyond need or purpose.' I think of this quote often when hearing someone say people dont want to work anymore.. people want to work, hard work builds character. People dont want to toil.
End of feed.