
Cool article, Darren - and really nice art, too! Did you see the article in NYT? It has the usual 'saved from evil rich people' spiel - but the 'museum' of evolution is a for-profit private collection linked to a private safari-land owned by Danish nobility 😜
Lokiceratops, a Horned Dinosaur, May Be a New Researchers analyzed a skull found in Montana of a plant-eating member of the ceratops family, finding distinct traits.
There are already some number of articles on this dinosaur and I haven't seen them all, so thanks.
How do we get so many similar species in one area? Ceratopsids vary in size a bit, but aside from their frills and horns, were there other significant differences? Or is it mostly just time? 13 million years from this guy to the end of the cretaceous is plenty of time for horns and such to change.
Yeah, you've answered the question. If these species persist for less than 0.5Ma, no reason why you can't have several in any geological formation. Add ecological partitioning as well.